Recently, a friend and I had a brief conversation about lucid dreaming. They've been trying and getting very close to it. Personally, I've never really mastered it, but the concept is interesting, so why not make a quick post about it?
Lucid dreaming is a state which allows you to realize you're dreaming and, sometimes, take control of those dreams. This is intriguing for many reasons. You could shapeshift, fly, swim to the bottom of the ocean, float out into space, own a house on a single income... all kinds of fantasies are possible. You could use this time to practice skills that you want to get better at in the waking world, a thing that seems to actually work. For example, if you've taken up some kind of needlework (crochet, knitting, embroidery, sewing, etc.), you could practice the different types of stitching in your sleep. Do you have chronic nightmares? Not with lucid dreaming! You can wake yourself up or turn the dream into something else entirely. That's not to mention the possible magical implications.
So how to achieve lucid dreaming... is not an exact science. But there are a lot of tips that have helped people manage. The CIA even did a study on it, which has since been declassified and is available to the public here.
Some general tips:
Keep a dream journal. Writing down your dreams can help you to realize common elements that could clue you in to the fact that you're asleep. This can also help you to remember your dreams, which can be useful for dream divination.
A few times a day, ask yourself, "Am I dreaming or awake?" This helps you to pick up on any subtle hints that can help you determine when you really are dreaming.
If you're unsure if you're dreaming, check a mirror, your hands, or a book. Items like this behave strangely, look weird, or change in dreams, so this could help.
WBTB method: Set an alarm to wake yourself up about 4 hours into sleep. Stay awake for about 15-30 minutes, preferably thinking about how you're intent on lucid dreaming. Then go back to sleep. A lot of people have had success with this.
As you fall asleep, repeat relevant affirmations to yourself. "I am aware when I dream." "I have control in my dreams." This can cement your intention in your mind and increase your odds of lucid dreaming.
Practice meditation and mindfulness. Stop to observe your breathing, your surroundings, the way your hands feel on the fabric of your clothes versus the smooth surface of a table. This can help you get more in touch (pun not intended, but it's kinda funny so I'm leaving it) with the subtle differences between the waking world and the dreaming world.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Substances like these can have a negative effect on your ability to/quality of sleep.
If it is safe for you to do so, use sleep aids. Melatonin and some other medications can help deepen your sleep, making general dreaming more easily obtainable. You have to normal-dream before you can lucid-dream, after all. Melatonin in particular is non-habit-forming, so it's usually safe. However, there can be side-effects. Talk to a medical professional first to avoid any drug interactions and all that jazz, 'kay? Make good choices.
Some magical tips:
Keep crystals associated with dreaming under your pillow/near your bed. Chevron Amethyst is a good one. Other options include moonstone, clear quartz, and selenite.
Make a dream satchel to keep under your pillow/near your bed. You could include the crystals mentioned above and/or some herbs associated with dreaming, such as mugwort and lavender. Rosemary would be good for remembering your dreams, as well.
Create and meditate on a sigil for dream work. Draw it on a bit of paper and place it under your pillow/near your bed. If you're the crafty type, maybe you could embroider it onto a pillowcase!
Drink a dream tea before bed. There are plenty of herbal teas you can buy at your local grocery store that would fit the bill, but if you want to make your own, some suggested herbs would be lavender, mugwort, or chamomile.
Take the moon phase and planetary hours into account. A Monday night during the hour of the moon would be a good time to start your nighttime ritual. A new moon would be great for deep subconscious work.
I would love to hear about anyone's experiences with this sort of thing. The whole concept is fascinating.
Stay safe!
- me