Notes and Commentaries
Quick note from the student: While this simplified version should be sufficient for getting the idea across, I highly recommend reading the English translation that I link in the title. It's beautifully written and deserves recognition.
I’m writing these words from a prison, deep in the dungeons of the Inquisition. Even though I’m in chains and surrounded by guards, I take comfort knowing that I can still help you, my dear friend. This message I’m sending you will give you great knowledge, even greater than the rulers who have put me here.
You, Philochatus, are about to learn the deepest secrets of the universe. I will lift the veil that hides these mysteries from ordinary people. These are the secrets that only a few, chosen by God, are meant to understand. God created us to see these truths, and by doing so, we can bring some of His light to the rest of humanity.
Let my story be a lesson to you. There are two great dangers you must watch out for: misusing the power God gives you, and revealing too much to those who aren’t ready. Both of these come from pride. If you misuse God’s gifts, you could be destroyed, just like I was. The power that controls the world could turn against you, and not even eternal suffering would be enough to make up for that mistake.
But I’m not worried about you misusing power. You’re a good person and a friend to humanity. Instead, I worry about you being too eager to show off what you know. The desire to impress others is dangerous. God leaves it to humans to punish those who reveal too much to the unworthy. Remember what has happened to me. I, too, once had great power. I was happy and made others happy. I lived in peace with my family, enjoying the blessings that God gives to His chosen. But one careless moment destroyed everything. I spoke out, and it all disappeared like a puff of smoke.
My son, don’t follow in my footsteps. Don’t let the need for attention lead to your downfall. Think of me, your friend, writing to you from this dungeon, my body broken by torture. The hand that writes these words is still bound by heavy chains. God has punished me, but what have I done to deserve the cruelty of men? Why do they have the right to question me? They ask for proof of my purpose, but my actions, my virtues, and my pure heart are all the proof I need. Still, I wonder, do I even have the right to complain? I spoke, and God left me to suffer at the hands of fanatics. The arm that once could defeat armies now struggles just to lift these chains.
I stray from my point. I must thank eternal Justice. God has forgiven me. A spirit of light has visited me, appearing through the walls of my cell. It told me that my suffering will end in two years. When my captors come to my cell, they will find it empty. Soon, I will be purified by the four elements and return to my rightful place. But two years feels like a long time when you’re in pain. My tormentors not only hurt me physically but have also destroyed my reputation. They’ve made my name something to be ashamed of. People fear even passing near my prison, afraid that something poisonous might escape through the small window that lets in a little light. This, Philochatus, is the most painful thing they could have done to me.
I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to get this message to you. It was incredibly hard just to write it, and it will be even harder to get it out of this place. I had to make my own tools to write, using the flame of my lamp, some coins, and a few chemicals my captors missed. The colors in this writing were made by my own hands, in this prison.
Please, take my words to heart. The instructions are clear, but if this message falls into the wrong hands, it could be dangerous. Remember, everything I’ve written is meant to help you. If you misunderstand even one line or leave out one symbol, you won’t be able to uncover the mysteries that God has hidden.
Goodbye, Philochatus. Don’t feel sorry for me. God’s mercy is as great as His justice. You will see me again at the first sacred gathering. I greet you in the name of God, and soon, I will embrace you in peace.
It was nighttime. The moon, hidden by dark clouds, cast only a dim light over the lava rocks surrounding the Solfatara. With my head covered by a linen veil and holding a golden branch in my hand, I moved forward without fear to the place where I was told to spend the night. As I walked over the hot sand, I felt it sinking under my feet. The sky grew heavy with clouds, and lightning flashed, turning the flames of the nearby volcano a deep red, like blood.
At last, I arrived and found an iron altar. I placed the golden branch on it and spoke the powerful words I had been taught. Instantly, the ground trembled beneath me, and thunder cracked in the sky. Mount Vesuvius roared in response, its fires joining with the lightning. The voices of spirits echoed through the air, praising the Creator. The sacred branch on the altar burst into flames, and thick smoke surrounded me. Everything went dark, and I felt like I was falling into an abyss. I don’t know how long I remained like that.
When I opened my eyes, everything around me had changed. The altar, Vesuvius, and the landscape of Naples were all gone. I was now in a vast underground chamber, completely alone. Nearby, I found a long white robe, which seemed to be made of light linen. On a granite rock stood a copper lamp, and next to it was a black table covered with Greek letters, showing me the way to go. I took the lamp, put on the robe, and entered a narrow passage lined with black marble walls.
The tunnel was about three miles long, and the sound of my footsteps echoed ominously in the silence. Eventually, I reached a door that led to a set of stairs. After descending the stairs for a long time, I saw a faint light ahead. I quickly hid my lamp and watched the light, but it vanished like a shadow before I could figure out what it was.
Without dwelling on the past or fearing the future, I kept moving forward, but the journey became more and more difficult. I continued through galleries made of black stone. I had no idea how far I had traveled underground. At last, after a long walk, I came to a square room. Each of its four walls had a door in the middle, and each door was a different color, located at one of the four cardinal directions. I had entered through the black door to the north. The door directly opposite was red, the eastern door was blue, and the door to the west was a bright, dazzling white.
In the center of the room was a square pedestal, and on top of it was a shining crystal star. On the northern wall was a painting of a woman, naked from the waist up, with a black cloth draped over her knees. Two silver bands decorated her clothing. In her hand, she held a rod, which she pointed at a man standing across from her. Between them was a table with a single leg, and on the table were a cup and a lancehead. A sudden flame rose from the ground, seeming to aim toward the man. An inscription explained the meaning of the painting, and another one gave me instructions on how to leave the room.
After studying the painting and the star, I decided to go through the red door. But as I approached, it slammed shut with a loud noise. I then turned to the blue door, and although it didn’t close, a sudden noise made me look back. I saw the star begin to flicker and move. It lifted from its place, spun around, and darted through the white door. Without hesitation, I followed it.

A strong wind suddenly blew, and I struggled to keep my lamp lit. Eventually, I saw a white marble platform with nine steps leading up to it. I climbed the steps, and at the top, I saw a vast body of water stretching out before me. On my right, I could hear the rush of wild torrents, and on my left, cold rain mixed with hail was falling nearby. As I looked around at this powerful scene, the star that had guided me to the platform was now slowly swaying above me, then suddenly plunged into the water below. I believed this was a sign from the Most High, so I threw myself into the waves.
An invisible hand took my lamp and placed it on my head. I struggled through the foamy water, trying to reach the opposite shore. I saw a faint light on the horizon and hurried toward it, but sweat covered my face, and I was exhausting myself. The shore I was aiming for seemed to move further away with every movement. My strength was fading. I wasn’t afraid of dying, but I feared dying before reaching enlightenment. I lost hope and, with tears in my eyes, cried out: “Judge my judgment and redeem me, by your words give me life.”
I could barely move my tired limbs and was sinking deeper into the water when I saw a boat near me. A man, dressed in rich clothing, was steering it. I noticed that the boat was headed back toward the shore I had left. He approached me, and I saw a golden crown shining on his forehead. “Come with me,” he said. “With me, the leader of the world. I will show you the path you must take.” I quickly responded, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to rely on princes.”
As soon as I spoke, the boat and the man sank into the river. Suddenly, I felt a surge of strength return to my body, and I managed to reach the shore I had been struggling for. I found myself standing on green sand. Before me was a silver wall with two panels of red marble embedded in it. I approached and saw that one panel had sacred writing, while the other had a line of Greek letters. Between the two panels was an iron circle. Inside the circle were two lions, one red and one black, resting on clouds, guarding a golden crown. Next to the circle, there was a bow and two arrows. I read the symbols engraved on the side of one of the lions. As soon as I finished examining these emblems, they disappeared, along with the wall that held them.

In front of me appeared a lake of fire, with waves of burning sulphur and bitumen. I shuddered at the sight. A loud voice commanded me to walk through the flames. I obeyed, and strangely, the flames lost their heat and power. I walked for a long time through the fire until I reached a circular space. There, I marveled at the grand scene that Heaven had allowed me to witness.
The hall I stood in was decorated with forty columns of fire. One side of each column glowed with bright white flames, while the other side was cast in shadow, covered by a blackish fire. In the center of the room was an altar shaped like a serpent. The serpent’s scales shimmered with a greenish-gold, reflecting the flames around it. Its eyes looked like glowing rubies. Nearby, a silvery inscription was written, and a richly decorated sword was stuck into the ground next to the serpent. A cup rested on the serpent's head.
I heard the voices of celestial spirits, and a voice said to me, “The end of your journey is near. Take the sword and strike the serpent.”

āāI pulled the sword from its sheath. Approaching the altar, I took the cup in one hand and struck the serpent's neck with the sword. The blow made a loud sound, as if I had struck a brass bell, and the sword bounced back. As soon as I completed the task, the altar and the columns vanished into an endless space. The sound of the strike echoed again and again, as if thousands of blows were being struck at once.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed me by the hair and lifted me upward toward the ceiling, which opened to let me pass through. Shadowy figures appeared—Hydras, Lamias, and serpents surrounded me. But the sight of the sword in my hand scattered them, just like the first rays of daylight drive away the dreams of the night. I was lifted straight up through the layers of the Earth, and once again, I saw the light of day.
I had barely reached the surface of the earth when my invisible guide swept me away even faster. The speed with which we moved through the air was beyond comparison. In an instant, the plains below disappeared from view. I was amazed to realize that I had emerged far from the lands near Naples. All I could see was a desolate plain with a few triangular structures in the distance.
Despite all the trials I had already endured, a new fear gripped me. The earth beneath me looked like nothing more than a vague cloud as I was lifted to an incredible height. Suddenly, my guide abandoned me, and I began to fall through space for a long time. The earth below spread out before my confused eyes, and I could feel the minutes ticking away, knowing I would soon crash into the rocks. But just as quickly as I had fallen, my guide swooped down to catch me, lifting me again—only to let me fall once more. This cycle repeated until finally, he raised me to an immeasurable height. I saw planets spinning around me and worlds floating beneath my feet.
Then, the being who carried me touched my eyes, and I lost consciousness. I don’t know how long I remained in that state. When I awoke, I found myself lying on a luxurious cushion, breathing in the sweet scent of flowers and spices. My linen robe had been replaced by a blue garment adorned with golden stars.
In front of me was a yellow altar, from which a pure flame rose. The flame seemed to come directly from the altar itself, without any other fuel. Black letters were engraved at the base of the altar. Beside it stood a bright torch, shining as brightly as the sun. Above the altar was a bird with black feet, a silver body, a red head, black wings, and a golden neck. The bird was constantly moving but didn’t use its wings. It could only fly when it was in the middle of the flames. In its beak, the bird held a green branch.
The name of the bird isā

āāand the name of the altar is

The altar, the bird, and the torch symbolize everything. Nothing can be accomplished without them. They represent all that is good and great. The name of the torch is

There were four inscriptions surrounding these symbols.

I turned and saw an enormous palace resting on clouds, made entirely of marble in a triangular shape. Four levels of columns rose above one another, topped by a golden ball. The first row of columns was white, the second black, the third green, and the last one a brilliant red. After admiring this creation of eternal artists, I wanted to return to where the altar, bird, and torch had been, hoping to study them further. However, they had vanished. As I searched for them with my eyes, the doors of the palace opened, and a venerable old man stepped out.
He wore a robe like mine, except a golden sun shone on his chest. In his right hand, he held a green branch, and in his left, he carried an incense burner. A wooden chain hung around his neck, and his white hair was covered by a pointed tiara, like that of Zoroaster. He approached me with a kind smile and said in Persian, "Worship God. It is He who has supported you through these trials. His spirit has been with you."
"My son," he continued, "you missed an opportunity. You could have seized the bird called:

the torch called:

and the altar called:

becoming all three at once. Now, to reach the innermost chamber of the Palace of Sublime Knowledge, you must explore every path. Come, I must first introduce you to my brothers." He took my hand and led me into a vast hall.
The beauty and richness of the hall were beyond description. Three hundred and sixty columns surrounded it, and from the ceiling hung a red, white, blue, and black cross, supported by a golden ring. In the center of the hall stood a triangular altar made from the four elements. On its three points sat the bird, the altar, and the torch. "They have new names here," said my guide.

The hall is called:

āAround the altar were eighty-one thrones, each reached by nine steps of uneven height, covered with red carpets. While I was examining the thrones, the sound of a trumpet echoed through the hall, and the doors swung open. Seventy-nine people, dressed like my guide, entered and took their seats on the thrones. My guide stood beside me.
One old man, distinguished from the others by a purple robe with symbols embroidered on the hem, rose and spoke. My guide, using a sacred language, said, "Here is one of our children, whom God wishes to make as great as his ancestors." The old man responded, "May God's will be done." He turned to me and said, "My son, your physical trials are over, but you still have long journeys ahead. From now on, your name will be..."

"Before you explore the palace, my eight brothers and I will each give you a gift." The first elder gave me a gray cube of earth called:

The third handed me a small piece of rounded crystal called:

The fourth gave me a crest of blue feathers called:

but made of silver and without its bright colors. He said, "It has the same name, but it is up to you to give it the same powers."

though it was not lit. "Like those before it, it is up to you to give it its powers," he said. The chief sage then added, "Reflect on these gifts. Each one leads to perfection, but none is perfect by itself. Only by combining them can you create the divine work. Also, remember that these gifts are useless if you don’t use them in the correct order. The second gift depends on the first, and the next depends on the one before it."
"Guard these gifts carefully," he continued, "and begin your journeys after drinking from the cup of life." He handed me a crystal cup filled with a glowing, saffron-colored liquid. Its taste was delicious, and it had a wonderful aroma. I started to hand the cup back after taking a sip, but the old man said, "Finish it. This drink will be your only nourishment during your journey."
I obeyed and felt a divine fire flow through my entire body. I felt stronger, braver, and even my mind seemed sharper. I gave a respectful farewell to the wise assembly and, following my guide's orders, entered a long hallway to my right.

At the entrance of the gallery stood an oval steel basin. As I approached, it filled with crystal-clear water, which was purified by fine white sand at the bottom. The basin rested on three brass legs. On the side facing the door, a black panel had some characters engraved on it. Near the basin was a linen veil, and above it, two green marble columns supported a round marble plaque. The plaque displayed a sacred symbol—a cross in four colors, attached to a golden crossbar, with two concentric circles: the outer one black and the inner one red. Attached to one of the columns was a silver axe with a blue handle named:

After reading the inscriptions, I approached the basin and washed myself, starting with my hands and then submerging my entire body. I stayed in the water for three days. When I emerged, I noticed the water had lost its clarity, the sand had turned gray, and rust-colored particles swirled in the water. I tried to dry myself with the linen veil, but fresh drops of water kept appearing as soon as the veil absorbed the previous ones.
I gave up trying to dry off and stayed in the shade, remaining motionless for six whole days. By the end of that time, the water source had dried up, and I found myself completely dry. I felt lighter and stronger. After walking around a bit, I returned to the basin, but the water had been replaced by a reddish liquid, and the sand had become gray and metallic.
I bathed again, but only for a short time. When I stepped out, I noticed I had absorbed some of the liquid. I didn’t try to dry myself with the veil this time because the liquid was so strong and corrosive that it would have destroyed the fabric instantly. Instead, I went to the other end of the gallery and lay on a bed of warm sand, where I spent seven days.
After this time, I returned to the basin, and the water had returned to its original state. I bathed again, carefully washing myself, and this time, I was able to dry off without any trouble. After following the purification process as instructed, I prepared to leave the gallery, having spent sixteen days there.

I left the gallery through a low, narrow door and entered a circular room. The walls were made of ash and sandalwood. At the far end of the room, on a pedestal made from vine trunks, was a mass of bright, white salt. Above it hung a painting of a crowned white lion and a cluster of grapes, both resting on a tray that was being lifted into the air by the smoke of a lit brazier.
To my right and left were two doors. One opened onto an arid plain where a hot, dry wind constantly blew. The other door led to a lake, and at the far end of the lake, I could see a black marble building.
I approached the altar, took some of the bright white salt into my hands which the sages call

and rubbed it all over my body. I let it soak into my skin. After reading the hieroglyphics that accompanied the painting, I prepared to leave the room. At first, I intended to exit through the door leading to the plain, but a burning vapor rose from it, so I chose the other path instead.
I had the freedom to choose, but once I made my choice, I couldn’t turn back. I decided to cross the lake. The waters were dark and still. In the distance, I noticed a bridge called:

but instead of taking the long, winding route along the rocky shore to reach it, I preferred to walk through the lake.
The water was as thick as cement, and I realized swimming was pointless because my feet could touch the bottom everywhere. I walked through the lake for thirteen days. Finally, I reached the other side.

The ground was as dark as the water I had just crossed. A gentle slope led me to the base of a building I had seen from afar. The building had a long, square shape, and on its front were characters similar to those used by the ancient Persian priests. The entire structure was made of rough black basalt, and the doors, made of cypress wood, opened as I approached. A warm, humid wind rushed in and pushed me quickly to the center of the chamber, closing the doors behind me.
I found myself in darkness, but gradually my eyes adjusted to the dim light, and I could see the objects around me. The vaulted ceiling, walls, and floor were all as black as ebony. Two large paintings on the walls caught my attention. One showed a horse, like the one the poets describe as having caused the fall of Troy. From the horse's open side, a human corpse was emerging. The other painting depicted a man long dead, with insects, born from decay, swarming over his face and eating the flesh that had given them life. One of the man’s arms had already decayed to the point where the bones were visible.
Next to the dead man stood a figure dressed in red, trying to lift the corpse. A star shone on his forehead, and his legs were covered by black boots. Above, between, and below the paintings were three black panels with silver letters. I read the inscriptions and then spent time walking around the hall, where I was to stay for nine days.
In a dark corner, I found a pile of black earth, rich with decayed animal matter. I was about to touch it when a thunderous voice, like a trumpet, forbade me, saying, “This earth has only been here for eighty-seven years. In thirteen more years, you and the other children of God will be able to use it.” The voice fell silent, but its echoes lingered in the chamber of silence and death.
After staying the required time, I left through the door opposite the one I had entered. I saw daylight again, though it wasn’t too bright for my eyes, which had grown used to the darkness.
To my surprise, I realized I would have to cross another lake, even wider than the first one. I walked through the water for eighteen days. Unlike the first lake, where the water became darker and thicker as I advanced, the waters of this lake grew clearer the closer I got to the shore. My robe, which had turned as black as the walls in the palace, now seemed grayish. Slowly, it regained its color, though it wasn’t entirely blue—it was more of a beautiful green.
After eighteen days, I climbed out of the lake using a white marble platform.
The name of the hall is:

The name of the first lake is:

The name of the second lake is:

At some distance from the shore, I saw a grand palace rising into the air, supported by alabaster columns. The different parts of the palace were connected by fiery-colored porticos, giving the whole structure a light and airy appearance. As I approached the doors, I noticed a butterfly symbol carved above them. The doors were open, so I entered.
The entire palace was just one large hall, surrounded by three rows of columns—each row containing twenty-seven alabaster columns. In the center of the hall was the figure of a man emerging from a tomb. His hand, holding a lance, struck the stone that had once confined him. He wore a green garment around his waist, with gold at its hem. On his chest was a square tablet with some letters inscribed on it. Above him hung a golden crown, and the figure seemed to rise up, as if reaching for the crown. Above the crown was a yellow stone tablet engraved with emblems, which I was able to interpret using the inscriptions on the tomb and the letters on the man's chest.
I spent the necessary time in the hall called:

contemplating everything. Then, I left with the intention of crossing a vast plain toward a tower that I could see in the distance.

As soon as I stepped away from the palace, I saw a bird fluttering in front of me. It looked similar to:

but this one had two extra wings like those of a butterfly. A voice from a cloud commanded me to catch it and tie it down. I rushed after the bird, which didn’t fly but used its wings to run swiftly across the plain. I chased it without stopping as it fled, leading me across the entire plain several times. After nine days of pursuit, I finally forced the bird to enter the tower I had seen in the distance as I was leaving:

The walls of the tower were made of iron, supported by thirty-six iron pillars. The interior was also made of iron, with shining steel inlays. The foundation of the tower extended deep into the earth, making it twice as tall below ground as it was above. As soon as the bird entered, an icy chill seemed to overcome it. The bird struggled to move its wings, but it was too weak to escape, and I easily caught up with it.
I grabbed the bird and, using a steel nail:

I pierced its wings and fastened it to the floor of the tower with a hammer called:

āAs soon as I finished, the bird seemed to regain strength. It didn’t try to move, but its eyes began to glow like topaz. While I was watching the bird, a group of figures in the center of the hall caught my attention. It depicted a strong young man holding a staff with two intertwined serpents. He was trying to escape from a larger, stronger man who wore an iron belt and helmet adorned with red plumes. Beside the larger man was a sword resting on a shield covered with hieroglyphs. The strong man held a heavy chain, binding the young man’s feet and body as he struggled to get away. Two red tablets nearby were inscribed with symbols.
After observing the scene, I left the tower. Opening a door between two pillars, I found myself in a vast hall.

The hall I had just entered was perfectly round, like the inside of a globe made of a hard, transparent material, similar to crystal. Light came in from all sides. The lower part of the globe rested on a large basin filled with red sand. The hall was warm and comfortable. The sages call this hall:

and the basin of sand is known as:

As I marveled at this crystal globe, a new phenomenon caught my attention: a gentle, moist, saffron-colored vapor rose from the floor and surrounded me. It lifted me softly, and over the course of thirty-six days, it carried me to the top of the globe. After that time, the vapor began to thin, and I slowly descended until I was back on the floor. My robe, which had been green when I entered, had now turned a brilliant red. Meanwhile, the red sand beneath the globe gradually turned black.
I stayed in the hall for three more days. After that, I left and entered a vast open space surrounded by golden porticoes and colonnades. In the center of this area stood a bronze pedestal supporting a statue of a tall, strong man with a majestic, crowned helmet. A blue garment showed through the golden armor he wore. In one hand, he held a white staff with inscriptions, and with the other, he reached out to a beautiful woman beside him. She was unclothed, but a radiant sun shone from her chest. In her right hand, she held three globes linked by golden rings, and a crown of red flowers adorned her hair. She appeared to be leaping into the air, lifting the warrior with her, both of them carried by clouds. Around the group, four winged bronze statues stood on the tops of four white marble columns, each playing a trumpet.
I crossed the open space and ascended a marble platform. To my surprise, I found myself back in the Hall of Thrones—the first hall I had entered when I arrived at the Palace of Wisdom. The triangular altar was still in the center, but now the bird, the altar, and the torch had merged into a single entity. Near them was a golden sun, and the sword I had taken from the Hall of Fire lay on a cushion near one of the thrones.
I picked up the sword and struck the golden sun, reducing it to dust. When I touched the dust, each particle transformed into a new golden sun, identical to the one I had shattered. At that moment, a powerful and melodious voice proclaimed, "The work is perfect!" Upon hearing this, the children of light came to join me, the doors of immortality opened before me, and the cloud that blinds mortals was lifted. I SAW, and the spirits that govern the elements acknowledged me as their master.
The End

Initiation into the Mysteries was once seen as life’s ultimate adventure, a gift of immense value that could be given to the soul during its time on earth. Plato, in the Phaedrus, emphasizes the importance of being part of these sacred Rites, explaining that through them, one becomes a witness to pure, eternal truths and visions, beyond the distractions of the physical body.
Even St. Paul alludes to this "inner knowing" when he speaks of a wisdom not of this world, a secret, divine mystery unknown to worldly rulers. Initiation expands a person’s awareness, giving them access to universal truths. The mystical rituals of both the pagans and early Christians were outward expressions of internal growth. The uninitiated might only see the external ceremonies, but those who truly understood—the Adepts—could apply the hidden wisdom within these rites to their own spiritual development.
Origen, one of the most mystical early Christian thinkers, noted that there were two levels to all theological teachings. To the general public, the stories of the Gospel were taught literally. But to those ready for deeper understanding, the Logos—the divine Word—was revealed. This means that spiritual perfection isn’t something given; it’s something achieved. Witnessing the sacred dramas isn’t enough—you have to understand them. Symbols are a way to express divine truths, often hinting at things that can’t be openly explained. As Plutarch said, "Mystic symbols are well known to us who belong to the Brotherhood."
Through initiation, the Law is revealed—the great truths that guide the universe toward its eventual reunion with the divine. It’s up to the Initiate to live by these laws, to achieve conscious immortality by putting them into practice. There’s a moment where theory and action diverge—one can accept the Law and remain unchanged, or fulfill it through enlightened actions and progress toward perfection.
Those who truly embrace this path grow in wisdom, gaining spiritual understanding over time. The old philosophers believed that until the soul is free from the body's limits, it is clouded by base desires and worldly distractions. But as the soul grows wiser, it becomes illuminated by the Logos—the divine spiritual light—and this leads to further enlightenment. Each step toward greater knowledge expands the soul’s capacity to understand the divine plan, a process referred to as initiation.
Initiation is seen as the soul’s journey through many stages, like passing through different chambers in a labyrinth. At each stage, the soul gains new understanding and is "reborn" into a higher state of being. As we gain knowledge, our perception of the universe changes; it grows larger and more expansive, reflecting our own inner growth. This is the essence of spiritual liberation.
In the old Mystery Schools, the highest goal was self-perfection, which was considered the Great Work—the process of becoming one’s most enlightened self. The perfected individual was seen as not only a blessing to themselves but to all others, offering the most acceptable gift to the divine.
However, with the decline of the ancient pagan world and the corruption of the early Christian church, these Mysteries faded away. Their teachings were lost, their temples destroyed, and shallow theories replaced the earlier wisdom. Education, stripped of its spiritual dimension, led to the chaotic state we find ourselves in today. But the wise didn’t forget. They continued to gather in secret, preserving the ancient wisdom. Though the outward forms crumbled, the inner spirit of these teachings lived on.
During the Middle Ages, the tradition survived, though often in strange forms. Hermeticists crafted mystical symbols from Egyptian gods, Kabbalists drew pentacles and strange seals, and alchemists wrote complicated formulas involving magical ingredients. Despite the superstitions of the time, the Mystics held on to their ancient knowledge, though hidden beneath layers of esoteric imagery. The Comte de Saint-Germain stands out as a figure embodying this ancient wisdom, a master of forgotten truths. Many have wondered how Saint-Germain acquired such profound knowledge of natural laws or managed to defy aging. He was a representative of a brotherhood of philosophers that had preserved the old traditions from ancient Greece and Egypt. Through his understanding of the Logos, he demonstrated a mastery of wisdom beyond the common understanding of his time.
La Très Sainte Trinosophie, attributed to Saint-Germain, details the spiritual processes that lead to adeptship—the journey to becoming a spiritual master. This manuscript may even be a record of Saint-Germain’s own initiation into the mystical brotherhood, where he eventually became a Grand Master. The writing is symbolic, intended for those already familiar with secret teachings, but with deep reflection, its meaning becomes clearer. Each reader will find their own truth within the text, interpreting it based on their own level of understanding.
The book is divided into twelve sections, each with an accompanying design, drawing inspiration from rituals related to the four elements—earth, water, fire, and air. The overall structure is linked to the Zodiac, with the twelve sections representing the twelve signs. The Zodiac represents the soul’s journey, with Aries symbolizing the beginning of spiritual awakening and Pisces the completion of the Great Work—the attainment of ultimate wisdom.
Saint-Germain uses many alchemical symbols, but he’s not talking about literal chemistry. Alchemy, in this context, is about transforming the self—turning the "base" aspects of human nature into "gold" or spiritual enlightenment. The true goal is the transmutation of the self.
Each zodiac sign corresponds to a stage in this spiritual alchemy. For example, Aries represents purification through fire, while Taurus symbolizes unity and focus. Gemini is the point where the will becomes firm, and Cancer represents the dissolution of old limitations. Leo, Virgo, Libra, and so on each symbolize further stages of this transformation, leading to the final stage, Pisces, which represents spiritual perfection and the completion of the soul’s journey.
In essence, this entire text is a guide to personal and spiritual transformation, using symbols drawn from alchemy, astrology, and ancient rituals. The path it describes is one of self-mastery, where the ultimate goal is to become one with the divine. Through wisdom, patience, and discipline, the seeker can achieve this union, transforming both themselves and the world around them.