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0. Introduction
1. The Hermetic Philosophy
2. The Seven Hermetic Principles
       1. The Principle of Mentalism
       2. The Principle of Correspondence
       3. The Principle of Vibration
       4. The Principle of Polarity
       5. The Principle of Rhythm
       6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
       7. The Principle of Gender
3. Mental Transmutation
4. The All
5. The Mental Universe




We are excited to present this work to students and seekers of ancient wisdom. The Kybalion is based on the age-old Hermetic Teachings, which have been referenced in many occult writings but are rarely explained in detail. This book aims to help those who are interested in these esoteric truths by providing a guide to understanding and applying the knowledge they may have already encountered. Instead of offering a new philosophy, The Kybalion serves as a "Master-Key" that can unlock the deeper meanings of various teachings, helping to bring clarity and unity to seemingly conflicting ideas.


The Hermetic Teachings, which have been carefully preserved through the ages, originate from Hermes Trismegistus, known as the "scribe of the gods." Hermes lived in ancient Egypt, a time when humanity was still young. According to legend, Hermes was a contemporary of Abraham and may have even been his teacher. The teachings of Hermes have influenced countless spiritual and philosophical traditions throughout history, and many of the core ideas found in different esoteric schools can be traced back to him.


Hermes focused on planting the seeds of truth that would grow and take on many forms over the centuries, rather than establishing a single, dominant school of thought. His teachings have been carefully passed down through the generations by a select few, ensuring that the original wisdom remains intact. These individuals, known as Initiates, have dedicated their lives to preserving the sacred knowledge and passing it on only to those who are truly ready to understand it.


The Hermetic Teachings have always been reserved for those who are prepared to receive them. The ancient aphorism, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear," reflects this belief. The Hermetic Masters have always been selective in whom they teach, knowing that only a few are ready for the deeper truths. They have also understood that many people are not yet capable of comprehending these teachings and that sharing them with the unprepared would only lead to misunderstanding and rejection.


In The Kybalion, the core principles of Hermeticism are laid out in a way that allows you to explore and apply them in your own life. The text provides the essential concepts, leaving you to discover how they fit into your personal journey. If you are truly ready to learn, you will find great value in these teachings. If not, then you will need to continue your development until you can fully appreciate the wisdom contained within.


The wisdom of the Hermetic Teachings has been preserved through the ages by those who understood the importance of keeping it safe until the right time and the right students appeared. This book is an attempt to share that wisdom with those who are ready to receive it.


- The Three Initiates

Quick note from the student: The Kybalion, while a very helpful introduction to Hermeticism, is not a perfect example of the original teachings. This book is from the early 1900s and gives us a more modern interpretation. Ancient Hermeticism has much more of a focus on divinity and spirituality, while the version presented in The Kybalion is more psychology-based. There's nothing wrong with either of these approaches, but the distinction is worth noting.

The Hermetic Philosophy


The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding." — The Kybalion


The ancient wisdom and secret teachings that have shaped the philosophies of many cultures trace their roots back to Egypt, the land of pyramids and the Sphinx. Egypt was the birthplace of mystical knowledge, and its teachings spread across the world, influencing India, Persia, China, Greece, and Rome, among others.


In ancient Egypt lived the greatest of all teachers: Hermes Trismegistus. He was known as the "Master of Masters," the father of occult wisdom, the founder of astrology, and the discoverer of alchemy. His life details are lost to history, but his teachings have endured. Hermes was revered as a god in both Egypt and Greece, where he was called Thoth and Hermes, respectively. His teachings were so profound that they became known as the Hermetic Teachings, and his name became synonymous with wisdom.

Even today, the word "hermetic" refers to something sealed or secret, reflecting the principle of secrecy in the teachings of Hermes. His followers believed in sharing knowledge only with those who were ready to receive it, following the maxim "milk for babes; meat for strong men." This approach has ensured that Hermetic teachings have survived across centuries, hidden within various religions and philosophies but never confined to any single belief system.


Throughout history, only a few have preserved the true Hermetic teachings, passing them from teacher to student. The teachings were often veiled in symbols and codes, such as alchemy and astrology, to protect them from persecution. Even today, reliable books on Hermetic Philosophy are rare, though references to it can be found in many works on occultism.


One of the key compilations of Hermetic teachings is known as The Kybalion. This collection of maxims, axioms, and precepts forms the foundation of Hermetic Philosophy, particularly in understanding the mastery of mental forces rather than physical elements. The "Philosopher's Stone," often thought to turn base metals into gold, is actually an allegory for transforming mental states.


In this book, we present the teachings of The Kybalion along with explanations to help modern students understand its wisdom. The original sayings from The Kybalion are highlighted in italics, while our interpretations are presented in regular text. We hope that this work will guide you along the path of mastery, just as it has guided many others since the time of Hermes Trismegistus.


As The Kybalion says:​

"Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open wide."​

"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom."


In other words, when you are ready to learn, the right teachings will find their way to you, just as this book has come into your hands. This is the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, which in this context can be seen as the Law of Attraction bringing together those who seek wisdom with the wisdom itself.


So mote it be!

Seven Hermetic Principles


"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open." — The Kybalion


The foundation of Hermetic Philosophy rests on seven core principles, each offering a key to understanding the workings of the universe and our place within it. Here’s a simplified explanation of each:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism

    • "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental."

    • Everything we experience and everything that exists is a creation of the mind. The universe itself is a manifestation of a greater, infinite mind. Understanding this principle allows us to grasp the power of thoughts and how our mental state shapes our reality.

  2. The Principle of Correspondence

    • "As above, so below; as below, so above."

    • This principle shows that patterns repeat across different levels of existence. What happens on a grand scale (like in the cosmos) reflects what happens on a smaller scale (like in our personal lives). By understanding the connections between different levels of reality, we can unlock deeper knowledge.

  3. The Principle of Vibration

    • "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

    • Everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibrates at its own frequency. Differences in matter, energy, and even thoughts and emotions are all due to varying levels of vibration. Mastering this principle can help us change our mental states and influence the world around us.

  4. The Principle of Polarity

    • "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites."

    • Opposites are actually two extremes of the same thing. For instance, hot and cold are just different degrees of temperature. By understanding polarity, we can learn to transform negative states into positive ones and reconcile seeming contradictions.

  5. The Principle of Rhythm

    • "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall."

    • This principle is about the natural ebb and flow of life. Everything operates in cycles—highs followed by lows, action followed by rest. Understanding rhythm helps us manage these cycles and maintain balance in our lives.

  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

    • "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause."

    • Nothing happens by chance; every event is the result of a specific cause. By understanding this principle, we can rise above being victims of circumstance and become proactive in shaping our destiny.

  7. The Principle of Gender

    • "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles."

    • This principle reflects the presence of masculine and feminine energies in all things. These energies are necessary for creation on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual. Understanding this balance helps us harness these energies in a healthy, productive way.


Each of these principles offers a lens through which we can better understand ourselves and the world around us. Mastery of these principles leads to a deeper comprehension of life’s mysteries and greater personal empowerment.

Mental Transmutation


"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art." — The Kybalion


Mental Transmutation, in essence, is the ability to change and transform mental states, much like how ancient alchemists sought to transform base metals into gold. However, this art is applied to the mind, making it a form of Mental Alchemy or Mystic Psychology.


In ancient times, Hermetic teachings laid the foundation for astrology, alchemy, and psychology, which have evolved into modern astronomy, chemistry, and psychology. However, modern science only scratches the surface of what the ancients knew. They had deep knowledge of the inner workings of the mind and the universe, going beyond physical sciences into what we now call psychic science.

The Hermetists believed that the true nature of the universe is mental. This concept, called Mentalism, is the idea that everything exists in the mind of the All—the ultimate reality. If this is true, then Mental Transmutation allows us to change the conditions of the universe itself, transforming matter, energy, and mind.


By understanding and mastering the art of Mental Transmutation, one can control not only their own mental states but also influence the mental states of others. Advanced practitioners, known as Masters, are said to possess the ability to affect even physical phenomena, such as controlling the elements of nature. However, this level of mastery is rare and usually remains hidden from public view.

For the everyday student of Hermeticism, Mental Transmutation is about working on the mental plane—changing thoughts, emotions, and mental conditions. Practices such as affirmations, positive thinking, and mental influence are all forms of this art, though modern methods often lack the depth of knowledge possessed by the ancient masters.


By studying the Hermetic Principles, especially Mentalism, students can gain the Master-Key to understanding and controlling their mental states and, consequently, their reality. This is the core of Hermetic Mental Transmutation: transforming mental energy and, by doing so, influencing the material and spiritual worlds.


In the next section, the Principle of Mentalism will be explored further, as it forms the foundation for understanding the rest of Hermetic Philosophy.

The All


"Under, and back of, the Universe of Time, Space, and Change, is ever to be found The Substantial Reality—the Fundamental Truth." — The Kybalion


In Hermetic philosophy, The All is the ultimate, infinite reality that exists behind all things. It is the unchanging, fundamental substance of the universe. Everything we see, hear, and experience in the material world—matter, energy, time, space—are all temporary, ever-changing manifestations, but The All is constant and eternal. It is beyond what can be fully comprehended by human minds and is not subject to the same laws of change that govern the physical universe.


Key Concepts of The All:

  1. Substance vs. Appearance:

    • The All is the true essence behind all the appearances we see. While everything we observe is constantly changing—growing, dying, evolving—The All is the eternal, unchanging substance behind it all. It is the foundation upon which the universe is built.

  2. The Unknowable Nature of The All:

    • The true nature of The All cannot be fully understood or explained by the human mind. Many have tried to describe it using different names, such as God, Infinite Energy, or Matter, but all fall short of capturing its full essence. The Hermetic tradition teaches that The All is beyond human comprehension, and any attempt to fully grasp its nature is ultimately futile.

  3. Avoiding Anthropomorphism:

    • Hermetists reject the idea of attributing human characteristics or emotions to The All. It is not a being with desires, emotions, or characteristics like jealousy or the need for worship. These are projections of human limitations, and The All transcends such traits.

  4. The All as Infinite:

    • The All is infinite and boundless. It has no limitations in space, time, or power. It has always existed, cannot be created or destroyed, and is present everywhere. It encompasses everything, leaving no room for anything outside of it. Therefore, anything that seems finite or temporary (like matter or individual beings) is only a manifestation of The All, not separate from it.

  5. Living Mind:

    • The All is not matter or blind energy. Hermeticism teaches that it is best understood as Infinite Living Mind or Spirit. This Living Mind is far beyond our limited understanding of life and consciousness. It is the source of all life, mind, and spirit, permeating everything.


In Summary:

  • The All is the underlying reality behind everything. It is infinite, eternal, and unknowable, but it is the source of all existence. Everything we see as changeable or temporary is only a manifestation of The All. By understanding this principle, we grasp the Hermetic view of the universe and our place in it: that all things are mental, and that The All is ultimately an infinite, living consciousness.

The Mental Universe


"The Universe is Mental—held in the Mind of THE ALL." — The Kybalion


In Hermetic philosophy, The All is spirit—an infinite, living mind that creates everything, including the universe. But what exactly does this mean? Let's break it down:


The Nature of The All

  • The All is Spirit, but even "spirit" is a term that doesn't fully explain its essence. It's simply the highest concept we can grasp: Infinite Living Mind. It's not just mind or life as we know it, but something far beyond that—a reality that transcends our understanding.

What is the Universe?

  • The Universe, as we see it, is constantly changing. Things are born, grow, die, and transform, but nothing is permanent. However, these changes must stem from something that is eternal and unchanging. That "something" is The All.

The Universe is The All's Mental Creation

  • Hermetic teaching suggests that The All doesn't create the universe from external materials or by splitting itself into fragments. Instead, it creates the universe mentally. Just as humans create thoughts and mental images in their minds, The All creates the universe in its mind. This means the universe is a mental projection, much like a thought is to us—but on an infinite scale.

The Principle of Correspondence

  • The Hermetic axiom "As above, so below" helps explain how The All creates. Just as humans create mental images and ideas in their minds without physical materials, so too does The All create the universe in its mind. Our mental creations are finite, while The All's creation is infinite and includes countless universes within its infinite mind.

The Principle of Gender

  • Creation happens through the interaction of masculine and feminine principles, which are not the same as human concepts of male and female. Instead, the masculine principle is the active, projective force (often thought of as the Will), while the feminine principle (Nature) receives and develops this creative impulse into a manifested reality.

Our Role in the Mental Universe

  • As part of The All's mental creation, we, too, exist within this infinite mind. Our individual minds reflect The All's infinite mind in a limited way. We create our own mental images, ideas, and realities, just as The All creates the universe. This correspondence between our minds and The All is key to understanding our relationship with the universe.

The Infinite Potential of the Universe

  • The universe we see is only a tiny part of the infinite realities within The All's mind. There are countless other worlds, beings, and planes of existence far beyond our comprehension. And, as we evolve spiritually, we will rise to higher levels of being, just as those who are more advanced than us once did.

Life and Death

  • Death, according to Hermetic teaching, is just a transition—a "birth" into a new form of life. We move through many lives and planes of existence as we evolve. The universe is vast, and our journey through it is infinite.

The Grand Cycle

  • At the end of the grand cosmic cycle, all creations return to The All, and in that moment, we will understand the full truth of existence. But until then, we continue our journey, always safe within the infinite power of the Father-Mother Mind of The All.


In Summary:

  • The universe is a mental creation held within the infinite mind of The All. Everything we experience, including life and death, is part of this grand mental projection. Our potential within this mental universe is limitless, and we are forever connected to The All. The journey of life is endless, and each of us plays a part in this vast, cosmic mind.


Rest assured, you are always within the protection of The All, the infinite mind from which everything, including you, emerges.

The Divine Paradox


"The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws—such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly." — The Kybalion


The Divine Paradox in Hermetic philosophy addresses the seeming contradiction that while the universe is mental and, from an absolute perspective, an illusion, it must still be treated as real from our human, finite perspective. Here's a breakdown:


1. The Two Poles of Truth: Absolute and Relative

  • Absolute Truth: From the perspective of The All, the universe is an illusion. It's like a dream compared to the infinite reality of The All. Anything that is created, changes, or is temporary cannot be truly real because only The All is eternal and unchanging.

  • Relative Truth: However, for those of us living in the universe, the world must be treated as real. While the universe is a mental creation and ultimately an illusion, we interact with it as if it is real because that's the level at which we operate.

2. The Danger of Half-Wisdom

  • Some people grasp the idea that the universe is an illusion and then make the mistake of thinking they can ignore or defy its laws. This "half-wisdom" leads to folly because, while the universe may be an illusion, its laws (like gravity, cause and effect, and so on) still govern our existence on this plane. Ignoring these laws leads to failure and suffering.

3. Mastery Through Transmutation, Not Denial

  • True mastery does not come from denying the existence of the universe or its laws. Instead, the wise use higher laws to transcend lower ones. This is the Hermetic concept of mental transmutation—changing undesirable conditions by applying higher principles, not by pretending those conditions don't exist.

4. Understanding the Mental Nature of the Universe

  • The universe is a mental creation of The All, just as our thoughts and dreams exist in our minds. While the universe may not be "real" in the ultimate sense, it's still "real" enough for us as finite beings living within it. We are subject to its laws and phenomena, but by understanding its mental nature, we can learn to work with it rather than be controlled by it.

5. The Law of Polarity

  • The Hermetic Law of Polarity, which says that everything has two sides, helps explain this paradox. The universe is both real and unreal at the same time, depending on your perspective. On the one hand, it’s a fleeting, temporary creation. On the other, it’s the reality we must deal with in our everyday lives.

6. Practical Application

  • Instead of rejecting or denying the world around us, we should use Hermetic principles like mental transmutation to rise above lower forces (like negativity, fear, or material limitations) by working with higher forces (like understanding, love, and mental mastery). This is how we achieve progress and transformation.

7. Live Wisely

  • The wise understand the paradox: while the universe is ultimately an illusion, we must still live within it according to its rules. Our task is not to escape the world by denying it, but to engage with it fully, using our knowledge to improve our lives and ascend to higher planes of understanding.


In Summary:

The Divine Paradox teaches that the universe is both real and unreal, depending on your perspective. True wisdom involves understanding this and using higher principles to navigate the universe effectively, rather than denying its existence or attempting to defy its laws. Instead of dreaming away in illusions, we must live wisely, using the tools and laws of the universe to grow and evolve.

The All in All


"While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL." — The Kybalion


This statement expresses a profound truth in Hermetic philosophy. It explains that everything in the universe is contained within The All (the infinite, divine mind), but equally important is that The All is present within everything in the universe. This concept might seem contradictory, but it is part of the Hermetic principle of paradox, which shows that both seemingly opposite ideas can be true at the same time.


All is in The All

  • Everything is in The All: The entire universe, from the largest stars to the smallest particles, exists within the mind of The All. This means that nothing can exist outside of this infinite mind, and everything we experience is a part of this divine mental creation. It’s like how a character in a story exists within the mind of an author—completely dependent on the author for its existence.


The All is in All

  • The All is also in everything: Just as everything is held within The All, The All itself is present in everything, no matter how small or insignificant. The essence of The All exists in every person, creature, or object. Imagine a writer creating characters—each character might have a life of its own in the story, but the author’s spirit and creativity are present in every one of them. In the same way, The All is present in all things.


The Law of Correspondence

This idea reflects the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence: "As above, so below." The process of creation that occurs in the infinite mind of The All is similar to the process by which humans create mental images, stories, or art. Just as an artist or writer might feel deeply connected to their work, The All is connected to every part of its creation.


Spiritual Development

  • Recognizing The All within: As humans grow spiritually, they come to realize that The All is immanent (present) within them. This realization allows us to move higher up the spiritual ladder. Spiritual development is the process of recognizing, realizing, and manifesting the divine spirit within us. The more we understand this, the closer we come to understanding our true nature and the nature of The All.


The Cycle of Creation and Evolution

Hermetic teachings describe the process of creation as a cycle:

  • Involution: The All begins the creative process by projecting its will, which lowers the vibrations of energy until matter is formed. This is the phase where The All "wraps itself" in creation, becoming deeply involved in it.

  • Evolution: After the involution phase, the pendulum swings back. The vibrations start to rise, and everything begins to move back toward The All, becoming more spiritual and less material. This process of evolution continues until everything returns to The All.


The Mystery of Creation

A common question that arises is, "Why does The All create?" While many thinkers have tried to answer this question, Hermetic philosophy suggests that it is ultimately unanswerable. Some explanations suggest that The All creates for pleasure, out of love, or because it is compelled by its own nature. However, none of these explanations fully capture the mystery. In truth, The All acts because it wills to act, and we cannot fully comprehend its motives.


Key Takeaways

  1. Everything exists within The All: The universe is a mental creation within the infinite mind of The All.

  2. The All is present in everything: Every part of the universe, no matter how small, contains the essence of The All.

  3. Spiritual development is recognizing this truth: As we grow spiritually, we realize that The All is within us and everything else.

  4. The process of creation is cyclical: The universe moves from materiality to spirituality, eventually returning to The All.

  5. The mystery of creation remains unknown: The reason why The All creates may be beyond human understanding, and even Hermes himself did not reveal this secret.


In Summary:

The concept that "All is in The All, and The All is in All" reflects the profound interconnectedness of everything in the universe. It encourages us to see the divine in everything and to realize that we are not separate from The All, but rather, it exists within us and around us. This understanding leads to greater spiritual wisdom and growth.

The Planes of Correspondence


"As above, so below; as below, so above." — The Kybalion


The Principle of Correspondence states that there is a harmony and connection between the various planes of existence. Everything in the universe, from the smallest atom to the highest spiritual beings, follows the same basic patterns and principles. All things are connected because they come from the same source.


The Three Great Planes

Hermetic philosophy divides the universe into three major planes for the sake of understanding:

  1. The Physical Plane: This includes everything material and physical, from atoms and molecules to the forces of nature like gravity and magnetism.

  2. The Mental Plane: This includes all forms of life and mind, from the most basic forms like minerals and plants, to the human mind, and even beyond to higher forms of intelligence.

  3. The Spiritual Plane: This plane is far beyond human comprehension. It includes higher spiritual beings like angels, archangels, and divine entities. The beings on this plane have powers and intelligence far beyond what we can imagine.


Though divided into three broad categories, these planes are not separate—they blend into one another and represent different degrees of vibration, with the highest planes vibrating at much higher rates.


The Dimension of Vibration

A key concept in Hermetic philosophy is that everything vibrates. The universe is in constant motion, and the differences between the planes (physical, mental, spiritual) are based on the frequency of vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the plane. This understanding of vibration allows us to see that even though the planes appear different, they follow the same fundamental laws.


The Seven Minor Planes​

Each of the Three Great Planes can be divided into seven minor planes, and each minor plane can be further divided into sub-planes. These divisions are just for convenience and study, as all things exist on a continuum. Here’s a brief overview:


1. The Physical Plane:

  • Includes all forms of matter and energy.

  • There are three planes of matter (solids, liquids, gases), one plane of ether (a connecting medium), and three planes of energy (heat, light, magnetism, etc.).

2. The Mental Plane:

  • This plane includes everything that has mind or consciousness, including:

    • Mineral Mind: The most basic form of consciousness, found in minerals.

    • Plant Mind: The consciousness found in plants.

    • Animal Mind: The consciousness of animals.

    • Human Mind: The consciousness of human beings.

  • There are also planes of Elemental Minds, beings that are not typically visible but exist between the other forms of consciousness.

3. The Spiritual Plane:

  • Includes beings far beyond human understanding, such as angels, archangels, and even higher divine beings.

  • These beings possess intelligence and life far beyond what we can imagine. They play a role in the evolution of the universe, guiding and influencing the lower planes.


Correspondence Between the Planes

The Principle of Correspondence reminds us that what happens on one plane reflects what happens on another. For example, the processes we see in the physical world have parallels in the mental and spiritual worlds. By studying the patterns in our own lives or in nature, we can gain insight into the higher planes of existence.


Practical Application

Understanding the Principle of Correspondence allows us to:

  • Recognize patterns: By seeing how something works on one plane, we can understand how it might work on a higher or lower plane.

  • Elevate our vibration: As we develop mentally and spiritually, we raise our vibrational frequency, which helps us transcend the limitations of the lower planes.

  • Master the laws of nature: By understanding that everything is connected and operates under the same laws, we can apply higher principles to overcome lower ones (for example, using mental or spiritual power to influence physical conditions).


In Summary:

The universe is divided into three planes—Physical, Mental, and Spiritual—but they are all connected and follow the same fundamental laws. The Principle of Correspondence allows us to understand that what happens on one level reflects what happens on another, giving us insight into the workings of the entire universe. By recognizing these connections, we can use this knowledge to improve our lives and ascend to higher levels of consciousness.



"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."--The Kybalion.


The Principle of Vibration, as outlined in The Kybalion, emphasizes that nothing is truly at rest, and everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion, vibration, and flux. This principle forms the foundation for understanding how all things, from the smallest particles to the largest celestial bodies, operate under a universal law of movement and change.


  1. Everything Vibrates:

    • Everything in the universe, whether material or spiritual, vibrates. This includes atoms, molecules, energy, thoughts, emotions, and even spirit. Nothing is static; everything moves at varying rates of vibration. This principle applies to all things on all planes of existence: physical, mental, and spiritual.

  2. Different Vibrational Frequencies:

    • The differences between various forms of matter, energy, and even mental states are simply variations in the rate of vibration. Higher vibrational frequencies are associated with more refined and subtle states (such as spiritual energy or higher mental states), while lower frequencies are connected to denser, more material manifestations.

    • For example, physical objects like solids, liquids, and gases have different vibrational rates. As you move up the scale, energy forms like heat, light, and electricity exhibit higher vibrations, followed by mental and spiritual phenomena, which vibrate at even greater rates.

  3. Spirit as Infinite Vibration:

    • At the highest end of the vibrational scale lies Spirit, vibrating at such a high frequency that it appears to be at rest, similar to how a rapidly spinning wheel can seem stationary to the naked eye. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the lowest and densest form of vibration manifests as gross matter.

  4. Modern Science and Hermeticism:

  5. Mental Vibrations:

    • Not only does matter and energy vibrate, but thoughts and emotions also vibrate at specific rates. Every thought, emotion, or mental state has a corresponding vibration, and these vibrations can affect others through mental influence or telepathy, a concept well-known in occultism.

    • The Hermetic masters teach that by understanding the vibrations of the mind, one can control their mental states and influence the minds of others. This is achieved through Mental Transmutation, which is the art of changing one’s vibrational state at will.

  6. Miracles and Mastery:

    • Hermetic masters can perform what appear to be miracles by manipulating the vibrations of material objects or energy forms. These “miracles” are simply the result of using higher laws of vibration to influence lower ones, which may seem miraculous to those unaware of the underlying principles.


Practical Applications:

  • Control of Mental States: By mastering one’s mental vibrations, a person can shift from negative moods or mental states to more positive and productive ones. This is done by consciously raising or lowering their mental vibrations through focused willpower and practice.

  • Mental Influence: Understanding vibration allows one to influence the mental states of others, either intentionally or unintentionally, through the vibrational frequencies of their thoughts and emotions.


In Summary:

The Principle of Vibration teaches that everything in the universe, from the physical to the spiritual, is in a state of constant vibration. By understanding and mastering these vibrations, individuals can influence their reality, control their mental states, and, with practice, affect the world around them.




    "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything
   has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same;
   opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
   extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes
   may be reconciled."
--The Kybalion


Everything has dual aspects—two poles or opposites—which are fundamentally the same in nature but differ only in degree. This principle suggests that apparent contradictions are merely variations along a single spectrum.


Key Concepts:

  1. Duality in All Things:

    • Everything is Dual: Every phenomenon has two sides or aspects. For example, hot and cold, light and darkness, good and bad.

    • Opposites Are Identical in Nature: Despite seeming differences, opposites are fundamentally the same; they exist on a continuum.

  2. Degrees and Spectrum:

    • Variation in Degree: Differences between opposites are a matter of degree. For instance, warmth and coldness are relative terms based on the degree of heat.

    • Continuum Exists Between Extremes: There is a gradual transition from one pole to the other, making extremes meet at a midpoint.

  3. Reconciliation of Paradoxes:

    • Unified Understanding: Recognizing that opposites are part of the same continuum helps reconcile paradoxes, showing that seemingly contradictory truths are both valid in different contexts.

  4. Application Across Planes:

    • Mental Plane: Emotions and thoughts, such as love and hate or courage and fear, can be transmuted into one another by altering their degrees.

    • Physical Plane: Observable phenomena like temperature, light, and color exist in degrees, illustrating the principle of polarity.

    • Spiritual Plane: Concepts like Spirit and Matter are seen as two poles of the same substance, differing only in vibrational frequency.

  5. Transmutation Through Polarization:

    • Changing Degrees: By understanding and manipulating the degrees of a particular state, one can transform it. For example, increasing one's courage or reducing fear by shifting their vibrational state along the polarity scale.

    • Mental Influence: Recognizing that mental states can influence others through vibrational alignment, allowing for intentional mental transmutation.


Illustrative Examples:

  • Temperature: Cold and heat are relative terms based on degrees of thermal energy. There’s no absolute point where cold ends and heat begins; it's a continuous spectrum.

  • Direction: East and West are relative directions depending on one's starting point. Traveling eastward can eventually lead one to the west from their original perspective.

  • Emotions: Love and hate are not absolute but exist on a spectrum. One can transition from love to hate by altering the degree of their emotional state.


Practical Implications

  1. Personal Development:

    • Self-Mastery: By understanding that emotions and thoughts exist on a spectrum, individuals can work towards elevating their mental and emotional states.

    • Emotional Regulation: Techniques like meditation, affirmation, and visualization can help shift one's state from negative to positive by adjusting their position on the polarity scale.

  2. Interpersonal Relationships:

    • Influencing Others: Awareness of polarity allows individuals to positively influence others by aligning their own positive states with those they wish to affect.

    • Conflict Resolution: Understanding that opposites are part of a continuum can aid in resolving conflicts by finding common ground or shifting perspectives.

  3. Problem-Solving:

    • Innovative Thinking: Recognizing the spectrum between opposites encourages creative solutions that bridge gaps rather than choosing one extreme over another.

    • Balanced Approach: Applying the principle leads to a more balanced and nuanced approach to challenges, avoiding black-and-white thinking.



The Principle of Polarity offers a profound lens through which to understand the nature of reality, emphasizing that opposites are interconnected and exist on a continuum. By recognizing and applying this principle, individuals can achieve greater self-awareness, emotional balance, and harmonious interactions with others and the world around them.



    "Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides;
   all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests
   in everything; the measure of the swing to the right,
   is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm
"--The Kybalion.


  1. Everything is in Motion:

    • Cyclic Movements: Rhythm is inherent in the universe. The tides of the ocean, the cycles of day and night, the changing seasons, the birth and death of living beings, and the rise and fall of nations are all governed by rhythmic swings. This movement is constant and applies to everything, from physical objects to mental states.

  2. Connection to Polarity:

    • Polar Extremes: The rhythmic movement often happens between the poles of opposites—two ends of the spectrum discussed in the Principle of Polarity. These poles are not always extremes but represent a constant flow between two ends (such as high and low, happiness and sadness, action and rest).

  3. The Swing of the Pendulum:

    • Movement in Opposite Directions: The swing of a pendulum illustrates this principle well—its movement to one extreme is balanced by its movement back to the other extreme. The measure of the swing to one side is equal to the swing on the opposite side. This concept applies to both the physical and mental realms, where intense experiences are often followed by their opposites.

  4. Rhythm in Mental States:

    • Emotional Ups and Downs: Just as physical objects experience rhythm, human emotions and mental states are also subject to this law. Moments of joy are often followed by periods of sadness, and vice versa. These emotional swings are natural but can be managed through mental discipline.

  5. The Law of Compensation:

    • Balance and Counterbalance: Every swing toward one pole must be counterbalanced by a swing to the opposite pole. If one experiences great pleasure, they may also experience great pain. If someone feels intensely, they will experience the opposite equally intensely. This balancing act maintains the universe's equilibrium.

  6. Neutralization:

    • Escaping the Pendulum Swing: Advanced Hermetic students or masters can neutralize the effects of rhythmic swings in their mental states. By elevating their consciousness, they can avoid being swept along by negative emotional states, effectively "rising above" the rhythm that would otherwise affect them. This process allows them to remain centered even when external forces are pulling them in different directions.


Practical Implications of the Principle of Rhythm

  1. Emotional Stability:

    • Understanding Rhythm helps in managing emotional highs and lows. Awareness of these rhythmic swings allows for better control over reactions to mood shifts. When you know that after a period of emotional high, a low may follow, you can maintain balance and avoid extremes.

  2. Personal Growth:

    • Transmutation through Willpower: By consciously working with this principle, you can rise above the negative effects of the pendulum's backward swing. This is especially important for spiritual and emotional growth, as it allows for greater mastery over life's inevitable ebbs and flows.

  3. Coping with Change:

    • Acceptance of Life's Cycles: The Principle of Rhythm helps to accept that change is inevitable. Life moves in cycles—whether it’s success and failure, growth and decay, or happiness and sadness. This understanding fosters resilience and helps in navigating through life's challenges.


The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation, an important aspect of the Principle of Rhythm, emphasizes that the intensity of any experience on one side of the spectrum is matched by an equal experience on the opposite side. In simple terms, the greater the joy, the greater the potential for sorrow; the more intense the pleasure, the more intense the pain.


  1. Balance in Life:

    • This law reinforces the idea that everything balances itself over time. Those who experience significant successes may also face significant challenges. Conversely, those who struggle might eventually experience the rewards that balance out their hardships.

  2. Application to Mental States:

    • On the mental plane, this law explains why those who are capable of deep happiness might also be prone to deep sadness. The capacity for one experience sets the stage for its opposite, which is why it's important to maintain awareness and self-mastery over emotional extremes.

  3. Reincarnation and Rhythm:

    • The Hermetic teachings suggest that this law operates not only within a single lifetime but also across multiple lifetimes. The pleasures and pains of one life may be the result of experiences from previous incarnations, and the rhythmic pendulum continues its swing across the continuum of existence.


How to Use the Principle of Rhythm

  • Transmutation: You can use your will to counteract negative rhythmic swings by rising to a higher plane of consciousness. Instead of being swept into a downward emotional spiral, you can maintain a positive mindset by applying this understanding.

  • Self-Mastery: Awareness of the Principle of Rhythm allows for greater emotional intelligence and personal control. When moods or mental states swing toward negativity, a conscious effort to counteract them with positive thoughts can help you avoid being overwhelmed.

  • Navigating Life's Ups and Downs: Understanding that life will have its natural rises and falls helps you maintain a balanced outlook. Patience during challenging times and gratitude during prosperous times create a harmonious flow with the natural rhythm of the universe.


The Principle of Rhythm teaches that everything is in a constant state of motion, and by understanding these movements, we can better align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe. Through conscious awareness and mental discipline, it is possible to neutralize the negative aspects of this principle and live a more balanced, harmonious life.



    "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;
   everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a
   name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of
   causation, but nothing escapes the Law.
"--The Kybalion.


The Principle of Causation asserts that every event has a cause and every cause produces an event. This principle teaches that nothing happens by chance and that everything follows natural laws that govern the universe.


  1. Law Pervades the Universe:

    • Everything in existence follows a set of laws, and nothing occurs randomly. What people often describe as "chance" is simply an event or cause that is not understood or perceived. When we cannot trace the causes, we call the event "chance," but the principle states that every event has a chain of causes behind it, even if those causes are not immediately apparent.

  2. Cause and Effect in Everything:

    • Every phenomenon or event in the universe, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, is part of an unbroken chain of causality. There is continuity in events. This means that all events are connected, and nothing happens in isolation. Every action we take or experience we have is part of a larger web of cause and effect.

  3. Law Over Chance:

    • The Hermetic perspective refutes the idea of "randomness" or "luck." Chance is seen as an illusion—a term we use when we cannot perceive the underlying causes of an event. In reality, there are always preceding causes, even if they are too complex or distant to trace easily.

  4. Cause and Effect in Events:

    • It’s important to understand that events, not things, create other events. A cause is not the creation of something new but the result of a prior event, which leads to another event. These events are connected in a continuous chain. For example, the fall of a stone from a cliff may appear as an isolated event, but it is connected to many other causes (weather, gravity, the stone's composition, etc.).

  5. The Chain of Causes:

    • The Kybalion explains how tracing causes can lead to an infinite web of events. This concept can be likened to a family tree, where each generation doubles in size, just as the causes of any event continue to expand into a network that extends beyond our ability to fully comprehend. Even something as simple as a gust of wind or the fall of a leaf can be traced back through a long series of causes and effects.


Practical Applications of Causation

  1. Free Will vs. Determinism:

    • Hermetic teachings acknowledge the age-old debate between free will and determinism, suggesting that both are true, depending on the level of perception. Most people are subject to environmental influences, heredity, and internal states like emotions, which shape their decisions. True mastery comes from understanding these influences and gaining the ability to exert free will over them.

    • While many people believe they are acting freely, they are often driven by unseen causes such as societal pressure, personal desires, or emotional impulses. Masters, however, rise above these causes, using their willpower to consciously shape their actions rather than being passively carried along by external influences.

  2. Becoming a Cause Instead of an Effect:

    • Most people are merely effects of the world around them. They react to external stimuli without understanding or controlling the causes that shape their lives. In contrast, Hermetic masters strive to become causes themselves, exercising control over their environment and circumstances by aligning with higher universal laws.

    • The mastery over cause and effect allows individuals to transcend being "pawns" on the chessboard of life and instead become players—the movers of the pieces. They work with the higher laws of nature, shaping their reality instead of being shaped by it.

  3. The Use of Willpower:

    • Those who achieve mastery over cause and effect understand that their will can transform desires, emotions, and mental states. Rather than being driven by momentary whims or external conditions, they consciously create the causes that will lead to desired effects. This is the essence of personal power and mastery in the Hermetic tradition.


Higher and Lower Laws

  • The higher laws always overcome the lower laws. This concept suggests that while people cannot escape the principle of cause and effect, they can use higher laws to rise above lower, more restrictive conditions. For instance, a person can use mental discipline to overcome physical or emotional limitations, aligning themselves with higher laws of mind and spirit.

  • Masters understand that while they cannot break free from causation entirely, they can use their knowledge of higher laws to become less constrained by the lower, material ones. They are able to work with these higher principles to create favorable outcomes.


The Illusion of Chance

  • The concept of chance is a convenient label for unperceived causes. When events seem random or accidental, it is because the underlying causes are hidden or too complex for the human mind to easily trace. Yet, just as with the roll of dice or the flip of a coin, there are always causes at play, whether physical, mental, or spiritual.

  • This principle encourages people to recognize that everything happens for a reason, and those reasons are part of a vast, interconnected web of cause and effect.


How to Work with the Principle of Cause and Effect

  1. Understand Your Causes:

    • Reflect on your current circumstances, behaviors, and thoughts, and ask: What are the causes behind them? Recognize that your situation is the result of previous actions and decisions—both conscious and unconscious—and see how you can start shaping new causes for better outcomes.

  2. Take Responsibility:

    • Mastery begins with responsibility. By understanding that you are both a cause and an effect, you can begin to consciously direct your actions to create the outcomes you desire. This requires recognizing your patterns and making deliberate choices to create positive effects.

  3. Align with Higher Laws:

    • Study and understand the higher laws of nature, such as mental discipline, spiritual evolution, and self-mastery. The more you align with these laws, the less you will be subject to the lower causes that govern ordinary life, such as emotional impulses or environmental influences.

  4. Master Your Will:

    • Willpower is key to working with cause and effect. By learning to control your thoughts, emotions, and desires, you can create stronger causes and thus more favorable effects. Practice directing your will to create the outcomes you want in life.


The Principle of Cause and Effect reveals that nothing in the universe happens by accident. Everything follows laws, and understanding these laws allows you to work with them rather than being passively controlled by them. By learning to master your will and recognizing the interconnected web of causes behind every event, you can begin to shape your destiny with greater consciousness and intention.



    "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine
   and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all
"--The Kybalion.


The Principle of Gender, as outlined in The Kybalion, teaches that Gender exists in everything, manifesting not only in physical forms but on all planes—mental, spiritual, and energetic. It is important to understand that Gender is not limited to biological sex as it is typically understood. In the Hermetic sense, Gender refers to the creative forces of the Masculine and Feminine energies that combine to generate and manifest all forms of creation.


Key Concepts of the Principle of Gender

  1. Gender and Creation:

    • The root of the word "Gender" comes from the Latin meaning "to beget or generate." In Hermetic teachings, Gender is the force behind creation, production, and generation in every form. This principle asserts that nothing can come into existence without the union of Masculine and Feminine energies. These energies are present in everything—from the formation of atoms to the birth of ideas and even the movement of spiritual forces.

  2. Gender vs. Sex:

    • Gender, in the Hermetic sense, is distinct from biological sex, which refers to male and female differences on the physical plane. While sex is a manifestation of Gender in organic life, the principle of Gender itself operates on much broader levels. It can be understood as the interplay between opposing yet complementary forces of Masculine and Feminine energies that are essential for the manifestation of all phenomena.

  3. Masculine and Feminine Principles:

    • In Hermetic philosophy, the Masculine principle is characterized by activity, direction, initiation, and will. It is the force that impels, drives, and energizes creation. On the other hand, the Feminine principle is receptive, creative, and nurturing. It is the force that actualizes and brings forth the potential that the Masculine principle initiates. The Feminine principle is always the active creator in the process, although it requires the initial impulse of the Masculine to begin creation.

    • These principles are not limited to human gender roles but are universal forces at play in everything from the smallest particles to the largest cosmic structures. For example, in atomic science, the Masculine principle is the positive charge (protons), while the Feminine principle is the negative charge (electrons). The attraction between these charges creates the structure of the atom.

  4. Gender in Science:

    • Science has begun to recognize gender-like qualities in phenomena such as atomic and subatomic particles, where electrons (Feminine, or negative) and protons (Masculine, or positive) combine to form matter. This is seen in how the union of positively charged and negatively charged particles results in new forms of energy and matter, illustrating the Hermetic teaching that Gender exists at even the most fundamental levels of existence.

    • The Principle of Gender also manifests in electricity, where the so-called "positive" and "negative" poles show that energy flows from one to the other, generating various forms of energy such as light, heat, and magnetism. The Hermetic teachings replace the term "negative" with "Feminine," recognizing it as an active creative force rather than something weak or passive, as is commonly implied by the term "negative."

  5. Mental Gender:

    • On the Mental Plane, the Principle of Gender manifests in the way the mind works. The Masculine aspect of the mind is the conscious, directive, and intellectual side that initiates thoughts, decisions, and actions. The Feminine aspect is the subconscious, intuitive, and creative side that shapes, nurtures, and brings those thoughts into form.

    • In mental activity, we are constantly balancing the Masculine and Feminine principles. For example, when we develop a creative idea, the Masculine energy provides the impulse or concept, while the Feminine energy nurtures and develops the idea into something concrete. Both principles are required for any kind of mental creation.

  6. Gender in the Spiritual Plane:

    • On the highest planes, Gender continues to operate as a fundamental force. Spiritual forces, like physical and mental ones, are generated through the union of Masculine and Feminine principles. These principles govern the flow of creative energy, leading to the birth of worlds, universes, and all forms of spiritual life.


Practical Applications of the Principle of Gender

  1. Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies:

    • In daily life, it is essential to recognize when and how to apply both Masculine and Feminine energies. Masculine energy helps you to focus, initiate, and drive your goals, while Feminine energy allows you to develop, nurture, and bring ideas to fruition. A balance between these energies is key to success in creative endeavors, relationships, and personal growth.

  2. Harnessing Mental Gender:

    • By understanding the interplay of the conscious (Masculine) and subconscious (Feminine) minds, you can become more aware of how to bring ideas into reality. You might begin by consciously setting an intention (Masculine), then allowing your subconscious (Feminine) to work on it creatively through visualization, meditation, or intuitive processes. When these two aspects are in harmony, mental transmutation becomes possible.

  3. Spiritual Growth:

    • The Hermetic teachings on Gender emphasize the importance of spiritual balance. Both Masculine (active) and Feminine (receptive) energies are needed for spiritual growth and development. The act of receiving divine wisdom (Feminine) and then applying it actively in the world (Masculine) reflects the rhythm of spiritual evolution.

  4. Creative Process:

    • The process of creation in any domain—whether it’s art, business, personal development, or spiritual growth—requires both initiation (Masculine) and actualization (Feminine). Learning to recognize and activate both of these forces will help you manifest your intentions and goals with greater efficiency and harmony.



The Principle of Gender is a profound law that operates across all planes of existence, from the physical to the mental and spiritual. It teaches us that all creation arises from the interplay of Masculine and Feminine energies. Whether in the form of atomic structures, mental processes, or spiritual evolution, the balance of these forces is necessary for generation, creation, and growth.

By understanding and applying this principle, you can achieve greater mastery in your personal and spiritual life, cultivating the creative forces within to manifest your highest potential.

Quick note from the student: This book was published in the early 1900s. Our understanding of gender has changed a lot since then. In this context, 'masculine' and 'feminine' can be replaced with other complementary sets, like 'intense' and 'gentle,' so it could help to think of the principle this way if 'gender' isn't right for you.

Mental Gender


The Dual Mind Concept

Modern psychology has popularized the idea of a dual mind, often split between the conscious and subconscious or objective and subjective minds. This idea posits that one part of the mind is active, rational, and decisive, while another part is receptive, automatic, and creative. The Kybalion argues that this concept, though seemingly modern, has deep roots in Hermetic philosophy, where it is understood as Mental Gender—the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the mind.


  1. Masculine Mind:

    • The Masculine principle is active, initiating, and directive. It corresponds to the conscious mind, or the part of our thinking that is deliberate, intellectual, and focused. In this sense, the Masculine mind provides willpower, the driving force to direct thought and energy. It generates the impulse for action or thought but doesn't directly create. Instead, it directs energy toward the Feminine principle to start the creative process.

  2. Feminine Mind:

    • The Feminine principle is receptive, creative, and nurturing. It corresponds to the subconscious mind, which receives impressions, nurtures ideas, and manifests them into reality. The Feminine mind is responsible for generating new thoughts, concepts, and ideas, shaping them based on the input from the Masculine principle. Without the Feminine principle, ideas would remain abstract without form or expression.


These two aspects work in harmony to create mental activity and are both essential for the process of thought and creation.


The "I" and the "Me"

Hermetic teachings offer a fascinating breakdown of personal identity into the "I" and the "Me", which helps us understand the dual aspects of Mental Gender:

  • "I" (Masculine Principle): The part of consciousness that wills, initiates, and observes. It is the active part of our consciousness, the part of us that chooses, decides, and commands. It is the source of our personal power and sense of being.

  • "Me" (Feminine Principle): The aspect that receives impressions and creates based on those impressions. It is passive yet creative, nurturing ideas or emotions given by the "I" and bringing them to fruition. The "Me" is where our emotions, subconscious thoughts, and mental habits reside.


Application of Mental Gender

Mental Gender plays a vital role in shaping personal development and psychic phenomena:

  1. Creative Thinking: In daily thought processes, the Masculine mind (I) directs the Feminine mind (Me). The Masculine mind sets goals, focuses attention, and gives energy to ideas. The Feminine mind takes these impulses and develops them into complete thoughts, projects, or actions.

  2. Psychic Influence: Mental Gender is also key to understanding phenomena such as telepathy, suggestion, and hypnosis. In these practices, the Masculine mind of one person impresses thoughts or ideas onto the Feminine mind of another, which receives and processes these impressions, often without the conscious knowledge of the receiver.

  3. Personal Willpower: Many people are more attuned to their Feminine mind, being passive recipients of ideas or suggestions from others. However, those who develop their Masculine mind through the exercise of willpower become creators and leaders, able to impress their will upon their own mind and the minds of others.


Balancing Masculine and Feminine Mental Energy

In a practical sense, the teachings encourage individuals to cultivate both aspects of their mind:

  • Strengthening the Masculine mind allows for greater focus, willpower, and intention. This is achieved through conscious decision-making and directing one's thoughts and actions with purpose.

  • Engaging the Feminine mind opens up creativity, intuition, and the ability to receive and nurture new ideas. This is fostered through practices such as meditation, imagination, and emotional intelligence.



Mental Gender teaches that both the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the mind are necessary for the full expression of thought and creation. The Masculine mind initiates, while the Feminine mind receives and creates. Understanding this duality allows individuals to harness their full mental potential, bringing balance to their lives and gaining mastery over their thoughts, emotions, and actions.

This principle also provides insight into psychic phenomena, where mental influence is exerted by using the Masculine will to impress thoughts onto the Feminine receptivity of others. Understanding and applying this balance of mental forces is key to self-mastery and effective influence in the world.


Hermetic Axioms


1. The Law of Use

The Hermetic teachings emphasize the practical application of knowledge. As The Kybalion states:


"The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals—a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."


This principle insists that merely accumulating knowledge without applying it is futile. Knowledge must be used for it to be meaningful. Hermeticism teaches that hoarding information without practical application is like stockpiling wealth without ever spending it. The Law of Use governs the universe, and those who violate it suffer from stagnation and disharmony.


2. Changing Mental States: Vibration and Attention

One of the fundamental Hermetic teachings revolves around controlling and changing one’s mental states. The axiom reads:


"To change your mood or mental state—change your vibration."


This is tied to the Principle of Vibration, which teaches that everything in the universe is in motion, and nothing is at rest. You can change your mental state by consciously directing your attention to the desired state. Willpower directs attention, and attention shifts your vibration. By mastering this art of attention, you can effectively manage and change your moods, making it a fundamental tool for mental mastery.


3. The Power of Polarity

A powerful Hermetic teaching is based on Polarity—the idea that opposites are simply different degrees of the same thing. The Kybalion explains:


"To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity."


This axiom shows that instead of focusing on eliminating a negative mental state (such as fear), one should concentrate on cultivating the opposite quality (such as courage). This practice shifts your mental state from one pole to the other. It’s the key to mental transmutation, where you learn to shift negative emotions to positive ones, using your willpower to move between polar opposites.


As The Kybalion further explains:


"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted from state to state; degree to degree, condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration."


This principle is the foundation of mental alchemy and self-mastery. By practicing Polarity, you not only master your moods but can also influence the mental states of others. The art of polarization allows you to change the polarity of your mental vibrations, leading to character transformation and mental strength.


4. Neutralizing Rhythm

Rhythm is a fundamental principle of the universe, representing the constant ebb and flow of energy. The Kybalion states:


"Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization."


The Principle of Rhythm teaches that everything in life has a pendulum-like swing: from highs to lows, from joy to sorrow. But the Hermetists discovered that one can neutralize the effects of Rhythm on the mind by rising above the lower mental plane. This is done by polarizing the mind at the Positive Pole of Being, which is known as the "I Am" consciousness. By doing so, one can escape the backward swing of the mental pendulum.


As explained:

"The Hermetists also teach that the Law of Neutralization enables one, to a great extent, to overcome the operation of Rhythm in consciousness. As we have explained, there is a Higher Plane of Consciousness, as well as the ordinary Lower Plane, and the Master by rising mentally to the Higher Plane causes the swing of the mental pendulum to manifest on the Lower Plane, and he, dwelling on his Higher Plane, escapes the consciousness of the swing backward."

By focusing on the Higher Self, one can neutralize the emotional swings that would otherwise pull them down into negative states. This is achieved through mental poise, the refusal to participate in the negative pendulum swings, and consciously choosing the higher plane of thought.


5. Cause and Effect: Planes of Causation

The axiom here speaks to the universal law that governs all phenomena:


"Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower."


The Principle of Cause and Effect is the cornerstone of both science and Hermeticism. Everything that happens has a cause, and every cause has an effect. What many call "chance" is simply the effect of causes that are not understood. However, while most people are bound by the lower laws of cause and effect, the Hermetist seeks to rise to higher planes of causation, gaining control over their environment and circumstances.


   "The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower.
   They obey the laws coming from above them, But on their
   own plane, and those below them they rule and give orders.
   And, yet, in so doing, they form a part of the Principle,
   instead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the Law,
   and by understanding its movements he operates it instead
   of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled swimmer
   turn this way and that way, going and coming as he will,
   instead of being as the log which is carried here and
   there--so is the wise man as compared to the ordinary
   man--and yet both swimmer and log; wise man and fool,
   are subject to Law. He who understands this is well on
   the road to Mastery.
"--The Kybalion.


By mastering their internal states—moods, emotions, and impulses—Hermetists use the higher laws to influence their world, rather than being subject to it. They become causes instead of merely being effects. This is an essential aspect of self-mastery: understanding how to use higher laws to neutralize the effects of lower ones.


6. Mental Transmutation: The Art of Mastery

At the heart of Hermetic philosophy is the teaching that mental transmutation—the changing of one’s internal state—is the true art of mastery. The Kybalion asserts:


"True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art."


This means that the power to influence one's reality lies in the ability to transmute mental states. As The Kybalion teaches:


"The Universe is Mental—held in the Mind of THE ALL."


If the universe is fundamentally mental, then controlling your mental processes allows you to influence your surroundings. This explains the so-called miracles or phenomena attributed to advanced Hermetic practitioners. They are merely applying the Principle of Mentalism to achieve what others might consider impossible.


7. The Principle of Mind: Mastering the Universe

To conclude, The Kybalion reminds us of the ultimate truth:


"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."


This foundational principle means that the entire universe operates on mental laws. Those who understand and apply these mental principles can transcend the limits of ordinary existence, achieving self-mastery and, consequently, mastery over their environment.


Key Takeaways:

  • The Law of Use insists that knowledge must be applied and practiced.

  • Mental transmutation through the Principles of Vibration and Polarity allows one to shift mental states and emotions.

  • Neutralizing Rhythm helps one escape the emotional highs and lows by focusing on the Higher Self.

  • Through Cause and Effect, Hermetists rise to higher planes of causation, taking control of their environment.

  • The Mental Art of transmutation is the key to mastery, as the universe is fundamentally mental.


These Hermetic teachings form a unified system for those seeking to understand and master the workings of the mind and the universe. By applying these principles, one can influence both internal and external realities, creating a life of conscious design rather than mere reaction.

Nothing on this website is meant to replace professional medical or psychological help.


Always use common sense and please do not eat random rocks and plants. Go to the doctor.

Stay safe.


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