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Quick note from the student:

There are a LOT of spells here. To make browsing simpler, I'll try color-coding some things. If you want to find something specific, remember to use ctrl+F to search the page for certain words.

1. [Rite] for acquiring an assistant daimon
2. The spell of Pnouthis (for acquiring an assistant daimon)
3. Prayer of deliverance
4. Invisibility spell
5. Memory spell
6. Spell for invisibility
7. Apollonian invocation
8. (No title) Magical handbook
9. (No title) Spell for revelation
10. (No title) Alternative spell for revelation
11. (No title) Magical handbook
12. (No title) Cat ritual for many purposes
13. (No title) Oracular request (?)
14. (No title) Spell for revelation
15. Foreknowledge charm [Horoscope]
16. (No title) Spell for foreknowledge
17. (No title) Memory spell
18. A copy from a holy book (spell for foreknowledge and memory)
19. Memory spell
20. Foreknowledge charm
21. Another (foreknowledge charm to detect a thief)
22. Another (spell to detect a thief?)
23. [Spell to establish a relationship with] Helios
24. (No title) Spell for gaining control of one's shadow
25. (No title) Spell for a direct vision
26. (No title) Magical handbook
27. (No title) Spell for revelation initiation
28. (No title) Spell for revelation
29. Phylactery against daimons
30. Another, to Helios
31. (No title) Love spell of attraction
32. Nephotes to Psammetichos (letter concerning bowl divination)
33. Spell for picking a plant
34. Wondrous spell for binding a lover
35. Charm to restrain anger
36. (Charm) to get friends
37. (No title) Verses from Homer
38. (No title) Verse from Homer
39. (No title) The "Mithras Liturgy"
40. (No title) Verse from Homer
41. Charm to restrain anger
42. (Charm) to get friends
43. (No title) Astrological text
44. Charm of Solomon that produces a trance
45. Charm that produces direct vision
46. Hidden stele (prayer)
47. Stele (spell for deliverance)
48. Rite for driving our daimons
49. Aphrodite's name (love spell)
50. Bear charm
51. Another (Bear charm)
52. Bear charm
53. Love spell of attraction
54. Love spell of attraction
55. Consecration for all purposes
56. Sword of Dardanos (love spell)
57. (No title) Fetching charm
58. King Pitys' spell of attraction
59. Pitys' spell of attraction
60. A restraining seal
61. Pitys the Theassalian's spell for questioning corpses
62. Divine assistance from three Homeric verses
63. Document to the waning moon
64. Business spell
65. Charm for acquiring business
66. Love spell of attraction
67. Slander spell to Selene
68. Love spell of attraction
69. Prayer to Selene
70. Love spell of attraction
71. Love spell of attraction
72. (No title) Spell for picking a plant
73. Charm of Pibechis for those possessed by daimons
74. Oracle of Kronos, called "little mill"
75. (No title) Spell for favor
76. Dream-producing charm
77. Saucer divination of Aphrodite
78. (No title) Spell to induce insomnia
79. (No title) Magical handbook
80. Oracle of Sarapis
81. Direct vision spell
82. (No title) Spell to catch a thief
83. Stele of Jeu the hieroglyphist (letter)
84. Another way (spell to catch a thief)
85. Hermes' ring
86. (No title) Defixio
87. (No tide) Spell for revelation
88. (No title) Instruction concerning a magical ring
89. Another way (spell for many purposes)
90. (No title) Spell for direct vision
91. (No title) Prayer for encounter with Helios
92. (No title) Magical handbook
93. Homer oracle
94. To keep bugs out of the house
95. Days and hour for divination
96. Demokritos' "table gimmicks"
97. Favor and victory charm
98. Spell for binding a lover
99. For scorpion sting
100. For discharge of the eyes
101. For migraine headache
102. Another (for migraine headache)
103. For coughs
104. Another (for coughs)
105. For hardening of the breasts 
106. For swollen testicles
107. For fever with shivering fits
108. For daily fever and nightly fever
109. Stele of Aphrodite (spell for favor)
110. Phylactery for daily fever with shivering fits
111. Request for a dream oracle from Besas
112. Request for a dream oracle
113. Another to the same lamp
114. For the ascent of the uterus
115. (No title) Astrological calendar
116. Orbit of the moon (horoscope)
117. (No tide) Spell of uncertain purpose
118. Love charm
119. Phylactery
120. Another phylactery
121. Charm for direct vision
122. Charm for direct vision
123. Divination by means of a boy
124. Request for a dream oracle
125. (Spell) against every wild animal
126. Charm to induce insomnia
127. Another (charm to induce insomnia)
128. Cup spell (love spell)
129. Victory charm for the races
130. Coercive spell for restraining
131. Spell for silencing, subjecting, and restraining
132. Love spell
133. (No title) Dream spell
134. Spell for causing talk while asleep
135. Restraining spell
136. To win at dice
137. Restraining spell
138. Love charm
139. Love charm
140. (No title) Love spell of attraction
141. (No title) Spell for dream revelation
142. (No title) Spell for protection
143. Meeting with your own daimon
144. Victory charm
145. Lamp divination
146. Phylactery
147. (No title) Prayer of invocation
148. Fetching charm From the Diadem of Moses (spells for invisibility and love)
149. (No title) Rite involving a magical ring
150. Cup spell (love spell)
151. Spell to induce insomnia
152. Love spell
153. Request for dream revelations
154. Bear charm
155. Request for dream oracle
156. Charm for a direct vision of Apollo
157. [Request for a dream oracle] Prayer
158. Pythagoras' request for a dream oracle and Demokritos' dream divination
159. Shadow on the sun (spell for revelation)
160. Lunar spell of Klaudianos
161. Hemes' wondrous victory charm
162. Another, charm to subject
163. Charm to restrain anger and to subject
164. A good potion (love spell)
165. Love spell of attraction . . .
166. [Love spell of attraction]
167. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
168. Divination by a dream
169. (No title) Spell for favor and victory
170. Binding love spell of Astrapsoukos
171. Request for a dream oracle of Besas
172. (No title) Spell to subject and silence
173. (No title [?]) Love spell
174. Charm to restrain anger
175. Apollo's charm to subject
176. Apollonius of Tyana's old serving woman
177. (No title) "Table gimmick" (?)
178. (No title) Love spell
179. (No title) Magical handbook
180. (No title) Invocation
181. A ring to cause praise
182. (No title) Prayer for a revelation of a remedy for a disease
183. Rite (to produce an epiphany of Kore)
184. Eros as assistant daimon
185. Himerios' recipes
186. Charm of Agathokles for sending dreams
187. Zminis of Tentyra's spell for sending dreams
188. Request for a dream
189. Spell for a divine revelation
190. (No title) Spell to release from bonds
191. (No title) Spell for restraining anger
192. (No title) Spell for gaining favor
193. Request for a dream oracle spoken to the Bear
194. [To make] a tincture of gold
195. A ring
196. A little ring for success and favor and victoty
197. Demokritos' "sphere"
198. Charm for causing separation
199. Charm to induce insomnia
200. To gain favor and friendship forever
201. Interpretations
202. Spell for separating one person from another
203. Another (spell for separation)
204. Another (spell for separation)
205. A spell [to] cause a woman to hate a man
206. A spell for it (fetching spell?)
207. (No title) Love spell of attraction
208. Another (love spell of attraction)
209. A sacred book called "Unique" or "Eighth Book of Moses"
210. [Part A: Initiation ritual and magical handbook]
211. [Part B: A second, different version of the initiation ritual]
212. [Part C: A third, ditfercnt version of the initiation ritual]
213. (No title) A collection of miscellaneous spells
214. (No title) Magical handbook
215. [A vessel divination]
216. (No title) Spell for revelation
217. (No title) Spell for vision (?)
218. Another spell for vision (?)
219. A "god's arrival"
220. An inquiry of the lamp
221. A "god's arrival"
222. The vessel inquiry of Khonsu
223. [A] vessel [inquiry]
224. A spell for causing favor
225. (No title) Love spell
226. Another love spell
227. The method (spell for separating man and woman)
228. (No title) Various recipes
229. [A vessel divination]
230. (No title) Two love potions
231. (No title) Spell for going before a superior
232. (No title) Lamp divination
233. (No title) Lamp divination
234. Another (lamp divination)
235. Another (lamp divination)
236. (No title) Vessel divination
237. (No title) Spell for dog bite
238. (No title) Spell for removal of poison
239. (No title) Spell for removal of bone stuck in the throat
240. (No title) Spell for dog bite
241. (No title) Spell for sting
242. (No title) Spell for removal of bone stuck in the throat
243. (No title) Vessel divination
244. (No title) Love potion
245. (No title) Introduction to a collection of spclls (?)
246. A spell (to cause "evil sleep")
247. (No title) Vessel divination
248. (No title) Vessel divination
249. (No title) Spell against "evil sleep"
250. Prescription (to cause "evil sleep")
251. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
252. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
253. A prescription (three prescriptions to cause "evil sleep")
254. A prescription (to cause ''evil sleep")
255. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
256. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
257. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
258. Another (spell to cause "evil sleep")
259. (No title) Lamp divination
260. A method (love spells)
261. Another (vessel inquiry)
262. Another method (vessel inquiry)
263. Another (vessel inquiry)
264. (No title) Inquiry of the sun
265. Here is another (inquiry of the sun)
266. (No title) Recipes involving herbs
267. (No title) List of herbs and minerals
268. (No title) Spell to cause "evil sleep"
269. Prescription (to cause "evil sleep")
270. (No title) Information concerning mineral
271. A prescription (love spell)
272. (No title) Information concerning mineral
273. (No title) Prescription for a watery ear
274. (No title) Information concerning salamander and herbs
275. A prescription (to stop blood)
276. (No title) Test of pregnancy
277. A prescription (two prescriptions to stop blood)
278. (No title) Information concerning herbs
279. A prescription (two prescriptions to stop liquid in a woman)
280. Another (prescription to stop liquid in a woman)
281. Another (prescription to stop liquid in a woman)
282. Gout (prescription)
283. Another (prescription for gout)
284. (No title) Amulet for gout
285. (No title) Prescription For unidentifiable ailment
286. (No title) Prescription for a stiff foot
287. (No title) Another prescription for a stiff foot
288. (No title) Love spell
289. (No title) Love spell
290. (No title) Love spell
291. (No title) Love spell
292. (No title) Spells involving voces magicae
293. (No title) Love spell
294. (No title) Spell to send dreams and make a woman love
295. (No title) Request for revelation
296. (No title) Fetching spell
297. (No title) Spell to heal an eye disease
298. (No title) Recipe concerning eye ointment
299. (No title) Spell to open eyes for divination
300. (No title) Love spell
301. (No title) Spell for lamp divination
302. (No title) Love spell
303. (No title) Spell for vessel divination
304. (No title) Fragment from invocation
305. (No title) Spell to cause madness
306. (No title) Love spell (?)
307. (No title) Another love spell
308. (No title) Another love spell
309. (No title) Another love spell
310. (No title) Spell for lamp divination
311. (No title) Love spell
312. (No title) Spell for fever
313. (No title) Charm to bind a lover
314. (No title) Charm to bind a lover
315. (No title) Love spell of attraction
316. (No title) Prayer
317. (No title) Amulet
318. (No title) Amulet for headache
319. (No title) Fever amulet
320. (No title) Love spell of attraction
321. (No title) Love spell of attraction
322. Love spell of attraction
323. [Spell for] headache
324. [The charm] of the Syrian woman of Gadara for any inflammation
325. The charm of the Thessalian Philinna [for] headache
326. (No title) Invocation
327. (No title) Magico-medical recipes
328. Prayer of Jacob
329. Request for a dream oracle
330. Request for a dream oracle
331. Fragment of the Kestoi of Julius Africanus
332. (No title) Oracle
333. (No title) Love spell
334. (No title) Amulets (?)
335. (No title) Sortes Astrampsychi (omitted)
336. Victory charm
337. (No title) Spell for scorpion sting
338. (No title) Spell for scorpion sting
339. (No title) Spell for scorpion sting
340. (No title) Prayer (poem)
341. (No title) Oracle questions (omitted)
342. (No title) Oracle questions (omitted)
343. (No title) Love spell of attraction
344. (No title) Love spell of attraction
345. (No title) Fever amulet
346. (No title) Fragment from a novel
347. Charm for favor and victory
348. Charm to restrain
349. Charm to restrain anger and to secure favor
350. Love spell of attraction
351. Divination by fire (love spell)
352. Love spell of attraction
353. Charm to restrain anger, and for success
354. Charm to break spells
355. Love spell of attraction
356. Prayer to Helios: charm to restrain anger, and for victory and favor
357. (No title) Charm to inflict harm
358. (No title) Charm to break enchantment 
359. (No title) Charm of uncertain purpose
360. Charm for gaining favor
361. Pudenda key spell
362. Love spell of attraction
363. Charm to open a door
364. Contraceptive spell
365. Love spell of attraction
366. Love spell of attraction
367. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
368. (No title) Love spell of attraction
369. (No title) Love spell of attraction
370. (No title) Curse
371. (No title) Amulet (?)
372. (No title) Amulet (?)
373. (No title) Amulet against fever
374. (No title) Amulet against fever (?)
375. (No title) Amulet (?)
376. (No title) Request for revelation (?)
377. Spell to silence and subject
378. (No title) Amulet against fever
379. (No title) Amulet (?)
380. (No title) Amulet
381. (No title) Oracle (?)
382. (No title) Charm to inflict harm
383. (No title) Love spell (?)
384. (No title) Love spell (?)
385. Spell to induce insomnia
386. (No titles) Spells (?) of uncertain purpose (omitted)
387. (No title) Rite to acquire an assistant daimon (?)
388. (No title) Spell to inflict harm
389. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
390. (No title) Phylactery
391. (No title) Amulet
392. (No title) Spell for revelation
393. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
394. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
395. Remedy for [an] ulcer (?) of the head
396. [Remedy for the] head (?)
397. For an erection
398. (No title) Spell for a dream revelation
399. Way of finding a thief
400. Spell of giving praise and love in Nubian
401. The red cloth of Nephthys
402. Prescription for a donkey not moving
403. Prescription for making a woman love
404. (No title) Love spell
405. (No title) Love spell
406. Love charm
407. Love spell of attraction
408. (No title) Love spell of attraction
409. (No title) Saucer divination
410. (No title) Oracle
411. (No title) Horoscope
412. (No title) Spell (or two spells) to inflict harm (?)
413. (No title) Love-potion (?)
414. [Spell to make a woman] confess the name of the man she loves 
415. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
416. (No title) Spell of uncertain purpose
417. Contraceptive
418. Contraceptive
419. (No title) Charm to inflict harm 
420. Spell to [prevent pregnancy]
421. For migraine headache
422. (No title) Charm to cause separation
423. (No title) Love spell (?)
424. (No title) Love spell
425. (No title) Victory spell (?)
426. Charm for favor, etc.
427. Charm of Hekate Ereschigal against fear of punishment
428. Against fear and to dissolve spells
429. Phylactery
430. [Rite concerning the Bear] 
431. (No titles) Oracle questions (omitted)
432. (No title) Charm for getting a revelation
433. (No title) Love spell of attraction
434. Charm to restrain anger
435. Charm to restrain anger
436. (No title) Greetings to deities
437. (No title) Recipe for ingredients (fragment of formulary?)
438. For fever with shivering fits
439. (No title) Fetching charm
440. (No title) For daimon possession
441. (No title) Amulet
442. (No title) Rite
443. (No title) Fever amulet
444. (No title) Fever amulet 
445. (No title) Phylactery for fever, phantoms, daimons, etc.
446. (No title) Rite or phylactery
447. Salve for fever
448. (No title) Fever amulet (?)
449. [Charm] for favor
450. (No title) Sacrificial rite
451. (No title) Rite 
452. (No title) Voces magicae 
453. Drying powder made with saffron [for] sharp eyesight
454. For excellent health
455. A phylactery for [fever]
456. For those possessed by daimons
457. For the eyes
458. [For] tumors [and] . . .
459. [For. . .] and strangury 
460. Another, for migraine headache
461. (No title) Spell for subjugation
462. Concerning the mole-[rat]
463. A remedy for all cases of. . . [epilepsy]
464. (No title) Amulet
465. (No title) Spell against eye disease (?)
466. Another (spell)
467. Another (spell)
468. For every [disease]
469. (No title) Amulet
470. (No title) Amulet
471. (No title) Amulet
472. (No title) Fetching charm
473. (No title) Request for a dream oracle
474. (No title) Fetching charm
475. (No title) Amulet for fever with shivering fits
476. (No title) Invocation of Sarapis
477. (No title) Amulet for fever with shivering fits
478. (No title) Fetching charm
479. (No title) Fetching charm
480. (No title) Love spell
481. (No title) Horoscope
482. (No title) Instruction for making magical figures
483. (No title) Amulet for scorpion sting
484. (No title) Amulet for scorpion sting
485. (No title) Amulet for attacks by daimons and for epilepsy
486. (No title) Amulet for fever with shivering fits
487. (No title) Invocation of Typhon-Seth
488. (No title) Fetching charm
489. (No title) Magical scroll (omitted)
490. (No title) Fragment from formulary
491. Love spell through touch
492. Fetching charm
493. Charm to subject
494. (No title)
495. [For fever with shivering fits]
496. (No title) Amulet (for inflammation of the uvula?)
497. (No title) Phylactery for a variety of evils
498. An excerpt for enchantments
499. Enchantment using apples
500. (No title) Love spell (fetching charm?)
501. For headache
502. (No title) Voces magicae
503. Erotylos
504. For childbearing
505. For sleep
506. For strangury
507. For a shivering fit
508. For victory
509. (No title) Voces magicae
510. (No title) Voces magicae 
511. (No title) Voces magicae
512. (No title) Parallel of CXXIIIa. 24-47
513. (No title) Parallel of CXXIIIa. 24-47
514. (No title) Charm to inflict harm (?)
515. Charm to inflict harm
516. (No title) Fragments of spells
517. (No title) Spell to cause separation
518. (No title) Spell to cause separation
519. (No title) Fragment of formulary of magico-medical prescriptions
520. Phylactery for fever
521. (No title) Fragment of unidentifiable spell
522. (No title) For a shivering fever
523. [Spell for] sending a dream
524. [Spell for] sending a dream
525. Spell for sending a dream
526. [Spell for] sending a dream
527. Spell for sending a dream
528. Spell for sending a dream
529. Spell for sending a dream
530. [Spell] for sending a dream
531. A "god's arrival" of Osiris
532. Spell for . . . (subjection?)
533. A "god's arrival" of Thoth
534. Spell for finding your house of life
535. Spell for reciting a document
536. (No title) Fragments of rites and formulae



The Greek Magical Papyri is a term scholars use to describe ancient Egyptian papyrus documents from around the 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. These texts contain a mix of spells, rituals, hymns, and magical formulas. They’re only a small sample of all the magic practices that once existed. Beyond the papyri, we have other magical artifacts, symbols, and inscriptions on things like gemstones, clay bowls, and metal tablets made from gold, silver, or lead.


The story of how these texts were discovered is intriguing. In ancient times, magic books were fairly common, but most were destroyed due to efforts to suppress magic. For instance, the Acts of the Apostles describes a mass burning of magical books in Ephesus, and Emperor Augustus is said to have ordered the destruction of 2,000 magic scrolls in 13 BCE. Such actions forced magicians and their works underground, as we can see from frequent warnings in the papyri to keep the contents secret.


Despite these efforts to eliminate magical literature, a few collections survived. Towards the end of antiquity, some philosophers, astrologers, and alchemists began collecting whatever magical books they could find. Though many of their collections disappeared, some of their notes and quotes survive. The Greek Magical Papyri, however, are original texts, giving us a rare firsthand look at Greco-Roman magical practices—much like the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls for Judaism.


One major part of the collection, called the Anastasi collection, was gathered in the 19th century by Jean d’Anastasi, a collector who acquired a large batch of papyri in Egypt and shipped them to Europe. His collection was eventually divided among museums in places like London, Paris, and Berlin. Although we don’t know the exact circumstances of their discovery, it’s likely these papyri came from the same location, possibly from a tomb or temple library in Thebes.


For many years, museums stored these papyri as curiosities. It wasn’t until scholars like Caspar Reuvens and later Conrad Leemans in the 19th century began studying them that the texts gained academic recognition. Over time, many other scholars contributed to publishing and studying these texts, despite challenges like World War I, World War II, and the bombing of publishing houses. Thanks to their efforts, a new edition of these papyri was published in the 1970s, which included more recently discovered texts.


Today, the Greek Magical Papyri is considered essential for understanding ancient religious practices. Unlike the mainstream Greek and Roman religions, these texts reflect a blend of Egyptian, Greek, Jewish, and other influences. In many cases, these magical traditions merged into new forms, creating a rich, mixed religious culture that was both distinctly Egyptian and Greek.

Quick note from the student:

These are very old spells with ingredients that most people wouldn't think to use in today's world. Many things can be substituted with a representation (a photo or small statue) or a small piece of the original item (a feather instead of a bird). Don't be afraid to tweak the formula a bit to suit your needs. Magic likes creativity.

Spirit Companion Ritual


Purpose: To summon a spirit companion who will assist, eat, and sleep beside you.



  • 2 of your fingernail clippings

  • Several strands of your hair

  • 1 Circaean falcon

  • Milk from a black cow

  • Attic honey

  • A piece of undyed cloth

  • A small piece of high-quality papyrus

  • Myrrh (for ink)

  • Uncut frankincense

  • Old wine

  • Juniper wood (for a small shrine)

  • Non-meat foods (for offering)



  1. Preparation of the Falcon:

    • Mix the milk and Attic honey together in a bowl.

    • Submerge the falcon in the milk and honey mixture to “deify” it (make it sacred).

    • Wrap the falcon, your fingernails, and your hair in the undyed cloth.

  2. Writing the Symbols:

    • Take the papyrus and use myrrh as ink to write the following symbols in two mirror-image shapes:


​​​Place the papyrus with the wrapped falcon, fingernails, and hair, then seal it with uncut frankincense and a few drops of old wine.

  1. Drinking the Mixture:

    • Mix a little honey and milk in a cup and drink it just before sunrise to prepare your spirit.

  2. Setting Up the Shrine:

    • Construct a small shrine from juniper wood.

    • Place the falcon statue inside and decorate the shrine with a crown.

    • Set out non-meat foods as an offering, along with a small amount of old wine.

  3. Invocation:

    • Stand before the shrine, focusing on the falcon. Offer a respectful greeting, then say this invocation:

      A EE ĒĒĒ IIII OOOOO YYYYYY ŌŌŌŌŌŌŌ, come to me, Good Husbandman, Good Daimon, HARPON KNOUPHI BRINTANTĒN SIPHRI BRISKYLMA AROUAZAR [BAMESEN] KRIPHI NIPOUMICHMOUMAŌPH. Come to me, holy Orion, [you who lie] in the north, / who cause [the] currents of the Nile to roll down and mingle with the sea, [transforming them with life] as it does man's seed in sexual intercourse, you who have established the world on an indestructible [foundation], who are young in the morning and [old in the evening], who journey through the subterranean sphere and [rise], breathing fire, you who have parted the seas in the first / month, who [ejaculate] seeds into the [sacred fig] tree of Heliopolis continually. [This] is your authoritative name: ARBATH ABAŌTH BAKCHABRĒ.

  4. Dismissal:

    • When you’re ready to end the ritual, walk backward out of the shrine barefoot.

    • Join the spirit in sharing the food offering before the shrine.


Additional Notes:

  • Purity: Keep this ritual private and avoid sexual relations for 7 days. (Specifically, the text says to avoid intercourse with a woman.)

  • The original spell calls for "two of your own fingernails and all the hairs from your head," so if you're really dedicated you could pull out two nails and shave all your hair off, but I think just clippings and a few strands should suffice.

The spell of Pnouthis (for acquiring an assistant daimon)


Purpose: This ancient rite is designed to invoke a spirit assistant who will help with a wide range of magical tasks and provide guidance.


Ingredients and Tools:

  • A pure white garment

  • An uncut piece of frankincense

  • Rose oil

  • Ashes from the heliotrope plant

  • A falcon’s head

  • A branch of myrtle

  • An earthen censer

  • A black cloth or band to cover your eyes

  • An oblong stone

  • Myrrh for offerings

  • A knife for engraving



  1. Purification: Abstain from eating meat and avoid anything unclean for at least three days before the ritual.

  2. Timing: Begin the ritual at sunset on the night you wish to perform it.



  1. Rooftop Invocation:

    • Climb to a high rooftop wearing your pure white garment.

    • Cover your eyes with the black band.

    • Hold the falcon’s head in your right hand.

    • Burn uncut frankincense in the censer with heliotrope ashes and rose oil as offerings.

  2. Speak the Invocation:

    • As the sun sets, say:


  3. Watch for a Sign:

    • A falcon will appear and drop an oblong stone in front of you.

    • Pick up the stone and carve it with sacred symbols.

    • Drill a hole in the stone, thread a string through it, and wear it around your neck.

  4. Evening Invocation:

    • That night, return to the rooftop. Light a fire, hold the myrtle branch, and salute the goddess by shaking the branch.

    • Burn myrrh as an offering.

    • Say:


  5. The Spirit Appears:

    • A blazing star will descend and dissolve before you.

    • The spirit assistant will manifest. Approach it, take its hand, and kiss it respectfully.

  6. Secure the Spirit’s Oath:

    • Speak to the spirit:

      "What is your divine name? Reveal it to me ungrudgingly, so I may call upon you."

    • The spirit will respond and give its name. Use this name to summon the spirit in the future.

  7. Bring the Spirit Home:

    • Lead the spirit to a private room and offer food and drink (no pork or fish).

    • Treat the spirit with respect and establish a friendly bond.


Using the Spirit:

  • Call upon the spirit by speaking its name aloud whenever needed.

  • It can perform tasks like retrieving items, protecting you, bringing visions, and curing ailments.

  • Always release the spirit respectfully with words like:

    "Go, lord, and live as you will."


Final Notes:

  • Keep this ritual secret; only share it with a trusted heir if necessary.

  • Treat the spirit with honor, and it will guide and assist you throughout your life.

Prayer of Deliverance


Purpose: This prayer is a standalone charm designed to invoke divine protection and assistance in times of distress or when facing magical or spiritual threats.



  1. Preparation:

    • Choose a quiet and sacred space where you won’t be disturbed.

    • Have an offering ready, such as a candle, incense (frankincense or myrrh), or a small bowl of clean water.

  2. Timing:

    • This prayer can be recited at sunrise (to honor Helios) or whenever you feel the need for divine protection.

  3. Posture and Focus:

    • Face the east or a source of light.

    • Stand, kneel, or sit in a comfortable but reverent position.

    • Center yourself with deep breaths, and focus on calling upon divine aid.


The Prayer:

Start with Reverence:
"I call upon you, lord. Hear me, holy god, who rests among the holy ones,
at whose side the Glorious Ones stand continually.
I call upon you, forefather and eternal one, ruler of the sun’s rays,
eternal lord of the celestial orb, standing in the seven-part region."

Speak the Sacred Names:

Invoke the Power of the Name:
"You who hold fast to the root,
you who possess the powerful name consecrated by all angels,
hear me! You have established the mighty Decans and archangels,
and untold myriads of angels stand beside you."

Request for Assistance:
"I call upon you, lord of the universe, in an hour of need.
Hear me, for my soul is distressed, and I am perplexed.
Come to me, you who are lord over all angels; shield me against the excess of magical power, aerial daimons, and the forces of fate."

Call the Sacred Name Again:
"I call upon your secret name, which stretches from the heavens to the earth:

Close with Confidence:
"Rescue me in my hour of need. Protect me, holy one, and guide me always."


Tips for Recitation:

  • Speak slowly and clearly, letting the energy of the sacred names resonate.

  • If you feel overwhelmed by the length, focus on the main requests and key sacred names.

  • Repeat the prayer as needed to build a connection with the divine force you’re invoking.

This prayer is an invocation of higher powers and angels, emphasizing protection, deliverance, and strength during challenges. Use it with reverence and faith in its effectiveness.

Invisibility Spell


Purpose: This spell aims to make you invisible to others until sunset. Follow the instructions carefully, ensuring you have all the ingredients and proper focus.



  1. Fat or an Eye of a Night Owl (symbolic of nocturnal secrecy)

  2. Dung Ball Rolled by a Beetle (a symbol of transformation and hidden power)

  3. Oil of an Unripe Olive (for anointing and blending energies)



  1. Preparation:

    • Gather the ingredients: owl fat/eye, beetle dung ball, and unripe olive oil.

    • Ensure privacy for the ritual, as secrecy is crucial.

  2. Making the Mixture:

    • Grind all the ingredients together into a smooth paste using a mortar and pestle.

    • Focus on the intention of invisibility as you work.

  3. Application:

    • Smear the mixture over your entire body, visualizing yourself fading from sight.

    • Be thorough but mindful of safety—avoid contact with sensitive areas like your eyes.

  4. Invocation to Helios:

    • Stand in a position where you can face the sun. If it is nighttime, visualize the sun’s light illuminating your intent.

    • Say aloud:


    • Moisten your hands with a small amount of the mixture and anoint yourself again.


  1. Final Request:

    • Say:

      Make me invisible, Lord Helios, AEO OAG EIE EAO, in the presence of any man until sunset. 16 16 6 PHNXRIZO EOA.

    • Visualize Helios granting your request, wrapping you in his light to shield you from sight.



This spell relies heavily on belief, focus, and the symbolic power of the ingredients and incantations. Perform with unwavering confidence and a clear mind.


Modern Adaptation:


If the physical ingredients are impractical or inaccessible, create a symbolic version:

  • Use essential oils or herbal blends symbolizing invisibility and protection (e.g., sage or mugwort).

  • Instead of smearing your entire body, anoint specific areas like your forehead and wrists while visualizing cloaking yourself in shadows or light.

Memory Spell


Purpose: This spell is designed to enhance memory through the ritual use of sacred ink, written names, and spring water.



For the Ink:

  1. Myrrh Troglitis – 4 drams

  2. Karian Figs – 3

  3. Nikolaus Dates – 7 pits

  4. Dried Pinecones – 7

  5. Piths of Wormwood (single-stemmed) – 7

  6. Wings of the Hermetic Ibis (symbolic; substitute feathers or drawn ibis imagery)

  7. Spring Water

Additional Items:

  • Hieratic Papyrus (or parchment or high-quality paper)

  • Clean spring water from 7 springs (or symbolic spring water)



  1. Prepare the Ink:

    • Burn the ink ingredients (myrrh, figs, dates, pinecones, wormwood piths, and ibis wings).

    • Collect the ashes and mix them with spring water to create a thick, dark ink.

  2. Write the Names:

    • Using the prepared ink, write the following words on hieratic papyrus or a substitute:


  3. Infuse the Water:

    • Wash the written text off into spring water collected from seven sources or symbolic water.

  4. Ritual Drinking:

    • Drink the infused water on an empty stomach each morning for seven days while the moon is in the east.

    • Ensure the quantity you drink is sufficient but not excessive.


Tips for Success:

  • Focus and Intention: As you write and drink, visualize your mind sharpening and your memory improving.

  • Alternatives for Ingredients: If gathering specific items is difficult, use symbolic substitutes (e.g., feathers for ibis wings, herbal tea for spring water).

  • Sacred Space: Perform the ritual in a quiet, clean space where you can focus without distraction.

Spell for Invisibility (and Reversing It)


Purpose: This powerful spell allows you to temporarily become invisible and regain visibility at will.



  1. Eye of an Ape or Eye of a Corpse (that died a violent death)

  2. Plant of Peony (likely referring to the flower commonly called the rose)

  3. Oil of Lily (or any floral oil as a substitute)



  1. Prepare the Concoction:

    • Take the eye (ape or corpse) and peony.

    • Grind them together into a paste.

    • Mix the paste thoroughly with lily oil until smooth.

  2. Application for Invisibility:

    • Rub the mixture onto your face only while moving your hand from right to left across your skin.

    • As you apply, recite the spell:

      I am AUBIS, I am OSIR-PHRE, I am OSIRIS whom SETH destroyed. Rise up, infernal daimon, ERBETH IO PHOBETH IO PHEBETH IO APOMPS, Whatever I, NN, order you to do, Be obedient to me!

    • Visualize yourself cloaked and unseen by others.

  3. Duration:

    • You will remain invisible as long as you wish.

  4. Reversing the Invisibility:

    • To become visible again, move from west to east while saying:

      MARMARIPHTHE MARMARIPHEGGE, Make me, NN, visible to all men on this day, immediately, immediately; quickly, quickly!

    • Visualize your form reappearing and becoming obvious to all.


Tips for Success:

  • Symbolism: The eye represents insight and connection to spiritual power, while peony (or rose) symbolizes protection and mystery.

  • Secrecy: Perform the ritual in private to avoid interference or distraction.

  • Focus and Confidence: Trust in the spell’s power as you work, especially during recitation.

This spell is versatile and powerful, but it demands precision, reverence, and care in execution.

Apollonian Invocation


Purpose: This ritual calls upon Apollo and other divine entities to gain prophetic insights, dream revelations, and magical knowledge. It includes instructions for preparation, invocation, and dismissal.


Materials Needed:

  1. Seven-leafed sprig of laurel

  2. Lamp (not colored red)

  3. Linen cloth

  4. Rose oil or spikenard oil (for the lamp)

  5. Ebony staff (symbolic; wood can substitute)

  6. Wolf's head (a symbolic or crafted item may suffice)

  7. Unburnt clay (to build an altar)

  8. Burnt offerings:

    • Wolf’s eye

    • Storax gum

    • Cassia

    • Balsam gum

    • Spices of value

  9. Libations:

    • Wine

    • Honey

    • Milk

    • Rainwater

  10. Flat cakes (7)

  11. Round cakes (7)



  1. Prepare the Laurel:

    • Write the following seven characters on the leaves of the laurel sprig, one character per leaf:


Hold the laurel in your right hand.

  1. Set Up the Space:

    • Dress in a prophetic garment.

    • Prepare the lamp:

      • Fit it with a linen wick soaked in rose oil or spikenard oil.

      • Write these words on the linen cloth wick:


    • Place the lamp on the wolf’s head.

    • Build a small altar from unburnt clay near the wolf’s head and lamp.

  2. Burnt Offering:

    • Use the ingredients listed under “Burnt Offerings.”

    • Pour libations of wine, honey, milk, and rainwater near the altar.

  3. Fasting and Purity:

    • Abstain from fish, unclean foods, and sexual activity before and during the ritual.



  1. Light the Lamp:

    • Stand near the altar with the laurel in your right hand and the ebony staff in your left hand.

  2. Chant the Invocation:

    • Call upon Apollo and divine beings with the following words:

      O lord Apollo, come with Paian,
      Give answer to my questions, lord. O master
      Leave Mount Parnassos and the Delphic Pytho.
      Whene'er my priestly lips voice secret words, /
      First angel of [the god], great Zeus. IAŌ
      And you, MICHAÄ’L, who rule heaven’s realm,
      I call, and you, archangel GABRIÄ’L.
      Down from Olympos, ABRASAX, delighting
      In dawns, come gracious who view sunset from
      the dawn, / ADŌNAI​. Father of the world,
      All nature quakes in fear of you, PAKERBÄ’TH.
      I adjure God's head, which is Olympos;
      I adjure God's signet, which is vision;
      I adjure the right hand you held o'er the world;
      I adjure God's bowl containing wealth;
      I adjure eternal god, AIÅŒN of all;
      / I adjure self-growing Nature, mighty ADÅŒNAIOS;
      I adjure setting and rising ELÅŒAIOS:
      I adjure these holy and divine names that
      They send me the divine spirit and that it
      Fulfill what I have in my heart and soul.
      / Hear blessed one, I call you who rule heav'n
      And earth and Chaos and Hades where dwell
      [Daimons of men who once gazed on the light].
      Send me this daimon at my sacred chants,
      Who moves by night to orders 'neath your force,
      From whose own tent this comes, and let hin tell me /
      In total truth all that my mind designs,
      And send him gentle, gracious, pondering
      No thoughts opposed to me. And may you not
      Be angry at my sacred chants. But guard
      That my whole body come to light intact,
      For you yourself arranged these things among
      Mankind for them to learn. / I call your name,
      In number equal to the very Moirai,

  3. Make Requests:

    • Ask the divine spirit for guidance on prophecy, dreams, magical arts, or any question in your heart.



  1. Shift Tools:

    • Move the ebony staff to your right hand and the laurel to your left.

  2. Extinguish the Lamp:

    • Use the same burnt offerings while reciting:

      Be gracious unto me, O primal god,
      O elder-born, self-generating god.
      I adjure the fire which first shone in the void;
      I adjure your power which is greatest o’er all; /
      I adjure him who destroys e’en in Hades,
      That you depart, returning to your ship,
      And harm me not, but be forever kind.



  • Symbolism: The laurel represents Apollo’s sacred tree and acts as a protective charm.

  • Focus: Perform the ritual with reverence and intention. This invocation demands preparation and an open heart.

  • Privacy: Ensure you are uninterrupted to maintain the ritual’s sanctity.

Use this spell responsibly, honoring the entities invoked and the sacred space created.

Rien sur ce site Web n'est destiné à remplacer une aide médicale ou psychologique professionnelle.


Utilisez toujours votre bon sens et ne mangez pas de roches et de plantes au hasard.Aller chez le docteur.

Soyez prudent.


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